What a finale

Everyone voting this less than 7 now has lost his mind.


The only complaint that people should have is that we will have to wait so long to see the next episode!


The only complaint that people should have is that we will have to wait so long to see the next episode

yeah...uh hugh....that's my complaint...



Every WWII nutjob is probably counting the "mistakes" regarding street signs and insignias and tire tracks but it's a damn good story told very well about a time that's slowly being forgotten.

For every lie I unlearn I learn something new - Ani Difranco


I agree with the Every WWII nut job complaining about uniform mistakes and everything else they can find wrong it's really becoming annoying. I thought when she held her gun in a shooting position then standing down for his sake was a great moment in this series. It was also great that that the French nurse came to there rescue in a nick of time....I loved it, Can't wait to see the next season.


I have read those posts, and they only leave me shaking my head....

I love history.....and also how it's told and interpreted...

get a life people....

or if you want....go and write a book about it, whatever...

but leave the show alone



I couldn't finish watching the last scene....

I know it's not true...but perhaps it is..

can you imagine having to kill your own child, so that they would be put to death in a humane way...instead of what they would have done to that child in ways of experiments....or whatever...

