MovieChat Forums > X Company (2015) Discussion > Nazi officers son in ep 5

Nazi officers son in ep 5

What was wrong with the Nazi CO's son in ep 5 that he was keeping him hidden?


Down syndrom


that's what I thought, when I saw him on the last eppy......

but, his non-looks, I also thought of autism......

perhaps both....



Yes, at first I wondered why the mother would hide the son from her husband's junior (sorry, not familiar with German Military ranks) when they arrived in the car to the new post. I then tried to make a connection to the mothers face to explain why the boy's face looked the way it did. Down Syndrome was in the back of my head, but due to the father's rank, I kept shutting it out, but then, it became very clear during the "debrief" of Alfred of what the young girls recalled whilst at the "school". I knew at that point that it was DS and he was just being a loving father because he wanted his son to live.

“There is nothing more frightful than ignorance in action.”~Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
