Netflix is killing it!

Highest Golden Globe nominations, new impressive shows,original films, documentaries this year.

Only thing left is they need to dump Marco Polo and those effing sh!tty Adam Sandler flicks.


There's room for Sandler. You dont have to watch everything you dont like.


As much as I hate Sandler if it makes netflix money I back the choice. The reason shows like this and master of none get made is because *beep* like Sandler's movies make money. They then funnel that money into projects with artistic merit that are a bit more of a risk. Hopefully this is a hit too (just like MoN was) so netflix can keep taking another risky projects off the shelf.

Sandler won't get another deal like this again. Netflix needed him, because they needed movies that would get streamed regardless of how bad they are. But Sandler's shtick is getting old so when movie 5 of his contract is up Netflix won't renew it for 2 reasons. 1) Sandler at that point will be totally spent as a draw, so it wouldn't make sense to keep him around. 2) Even if i'm wrong and people still tune in to sandler movies at that point, Netflix won't renew because in 5 years they will have tons of their own content that will all be making money or being critically praised. They won't want Sandler stinking up their image of quality content.

So don't worry, Sandler literally has 4 movies left till his career as a major movie star is over...Unless he stops phoning *beep* in and actually manages to make 3-4 funny comedies in a row...good luck with that happening.




What was that? I just heard noise.

This will be the only comment or reply you'll get. Like I give a crap about YOUR interwebz opinion.



They're talking about Netflix produced content.

What if a squirrel wants a sausage?
