Theory about the last two (Nazi Germany) episodes.
I love this show, and being a World War II history buff I really enjoyed the last two episodes. Those episodes help shine a light on Nazi atrocities, but also try unearth some new evidence.
The last episode was very compelling. The Nazis did try to create some form of atomic bomb. However, unlike in America where the military put most of their experimental weapons project eggs into one basket (the atomic bomb projects), the Germans had many baskets which they were putting fewer eggs in... they had many projects going on simultaneously; v1 & v2 rockets, first jet engine bombers and fighters, swept wing aircraft designs, heavy tanks, radar guided anti-aircraft guns, rocket propelled anti-aircraft missals, infrared optics, super heavy tanks aka 'Maus' (think 10Xs larger than King Tiger tank), long range electrical U-Boats, remote controlled mini-tanks packed with explosives aka 'Goliath' etc... They Americans and western Allies experimented with various things for warfare, but they Germans tried many different things. Now what do most of the aforementioned experiments and new technologies have in common? For the most part all of these things were meant as defensive weapons meant to hamper allied invasion / and air bombing of the Reich. Also, almost all were created / being designed in the last years of the war. The Nazis did attempt to build some form of atomic / hydrogen bomb, and were trying to extract Heavy Water in Norway. However, Norwegian special operatives and later bombing raids put a huge damper on that. While the Germans experimented and tried to create their own atomic bomb, their top scientists were all spread thin over too many projects (with the main focus being on rockets and jets) instead of highly concentrated like the U.S. Manhattan Project. It is doubtful the Germans were even close to building an A-bomb. Even if the war dragged on for several additional months, it is still unlikely the Germans would have had a bomb - let alone the means of using it. But who knows. I am fascinated by the Project Riese tunnels*, and the tunnel the found in Austria. Who knows, maybe Heavy Water was transported to Austria. Either way, these were great episodes! What do you all think? Any theories about what might be down in their in the tunnels in former German Silesia (now Poland), and in Austria?
* note: in the first of the two episodes (and in subsequent trailers) they show a room with about 4 military helmets on a rack and a machine gun. They keep talking about the Nazis. The Machine gun is clearly the infamous German MG-42. However, those helmets are not the infamous German Stahlhelm style of helmets. Those helmets are actually Soviet SSh 40 combat helmets. Meaning the Nazis weren't the last military force to enter those bunkers and tunnels. Which brings up even more questions...