'Ugly American' Stereotype

The stereotype of Americans abroad, that they are: Loud...They make the locals and their culture the butt of constant jokes...That they act like they own the place, etc.

I love this show and I do like Josh Gates, but often his behavior in other countries confirms stereotypes about obnoxious Americans & imperialism. I cringe sometimes the way Josh takes over every situation when he's with locals of a different country, as if it's his privelege as a strapping, blonde American male to lead everyone else - even the natives of the country!

I get that he's a nice guy with a good sense of humor and for him it's all in good fun, but it does confirm unflattering stereotypes of Americans. Sometimes I see the locals - who have a much more formal & respectful society than the U.S. - looking at him with a tight scowl. I just think he's too bombastic sometimes and insensitive to the fact that he is a guest.

I'm American, FWIW.

www.huffingtonpost.com/nathan-j-winograd/PETA-KILLS-PUPPIES-KITTENS_b_ 2979220.html


wow, I gotta disagree entirely, on this show, and his previous, Destination Truth, I've always found Josh to be extremely respectful and curious about other cultures, he's honored when the natives do a welcome ceremony for him, he participates in said local customs, he respectfully listens to locals' claims of what they've seen, etc.

have we been watching the same shows? I think he makes American tourists look great


Yes, I agree that he is generally outwardly respectful. However he does crack a lot of jokes at the locals' expense (which they often cannot understand but which we, the viewers, are privy to), often making humorously snide comments about the primitiveness/unreliability of their local technology & traditions (vehicles, accommodations, telephone service, foods etc.). And he does tend to be very loud and to take over situations as if he's an expert in most things.

www.huffingtonpost.com/nathan-j-winograd/PETA-KILLS-PUPPIES-KITTENS_b_ 2979220.html


vehicles crapping out on them was a running joke on DT, no matter where they were, and most were relatively modern trucks/SUVs

as for cracking jokes at the locals' expense, I guess we'll have to agree to disagree, I just don't see it

as far as taking over situations, well, he is the host of the show, he's interviewing people, he needs to get the info out of them, I don't see him as overbearing, myself


I find nothing wrong with the levity Josh portrays.
He never behaves maliciously.

"All Games Contain The Concept Of Death"


He goes around making "discoveries" and I get the impression his native guides are going: Yeah, I've only known about this my whole life, but congratulations.


He goes around making "discoveries" and I get the impression his native guides are going: Yeah, I've only known about this my whole life, but congratulations.

don't blame Josh for that, he didn't invent the idea, it's been that way for centuries with Western 'explorers'...think of all the species which were only 'discovered' in the last century or so, most were well-known by local populations, but thought of only as myths until vaunted Western scientists came through and observed, described and named them, only then, do they become 'real' to the rest of the world


Yep, ih8tt has the meat of it. This isn't just a problem with explorers, it holds true for medicine, science, technology... The people credited with the discoveries are the ones who package up a known concept and document it properly.

And to be fair he "discovers" something in pretty much every episode, and we should all know that is just for TV and engineered as such. But he has actually DISCOVERED something a handful times through his 2 series', and that's more than almost any other mainstream tv show can say.


Here are some admittedly mild - but frequent - examples of the type of thing I'm talking about:

On the Amber Room episode:

1. In Kaliningrad, Josh is looking at all the "kitschy" amber "chachkies" (his words) that the poor Russian vendors are selling, and he keeps making snide comments about how incredibly corny & dumb some of the items are, as he's walking through the stalls. Well excuse them for trying to make a living, Josh. Not everyone can be from the most powerful, consumer-driven country in the world, or create products that are the epitome of cool. They're just trying to use local resources (amber) to survive in a post-communist, capitalist society, so shut up.

2. Josh refers to the building in Kaliningrad as "the ugliest building on earth." How nice, I'm sure that makes the Russians of Kaliningrad feel so good to hear such a rude comment from a wealthy American TV host after they've opened their country to you. It's an insensitive comment, when he's a guest in another country. We have eyes, we don't need you to tell us that the architecture in this other country is not very attractive.

3. Then when he's with the mayor in Germany, like some spoiled, overgrown child, Josh wants desperately to operate the bulldozer. So the mayor of the town and the interpreter say 'fine, whatever' and Josh proceeds to idiotically take over the whole operation.

4. Then down in the mine, Josh continually makes snide remarks about the poor state of reinforcements down in the mine, with a constant "wink wink" at the camera i.e. "Whew! These people reaaaaally don't ensure safety like we would in America."

These things are just in that one episode. I guess I'm the only one who finds his overbearing & supercilious nature annoying, but I know that Europeans and people from other countries find Americans in general to be really annoying for all of these same reasons. I think it's just the majority of Americans who don't realize that they act a bit inappropriate sometimes.

www.huffingtonpost.com/nathan-j-winograd/PETA-KILLS-PUPPIES-KITTENS_b_ 2979220.html



You really need to either UP your meds, LOWER your meds, or get on some meds. It is obvious that you have NO understanding of what humor is.

I'm a joker of sorts, I am told that one of my best qualities is that no matter what the situation, I can always be counted on to supply the levity in a tastful manner.
Josh does the same. He's a Alpha. A doer. A goer. He's not condescending, he is not tastless, he is not rude, he just has the natural ability to see life as FUN!!!!!!

I think you take life WAAAAAAAAAAAAAY to seriously & fail to see fun where fun can be had. Needless to say, I'm glad I will NEVER EVER party with you. There, now you have someone else to criticize. That should make you happy.

Oh wait, I forgot, you don't know HOW to be happy.

Just admit it, you hate Josh Gates & Americans.

Which by the way means Canadians, Mexicans, South Americans, Central Americans, & a few folks in Greenland. WOW! That's a lot of people. I mean you DID say AMERICANS.

"All Games Contain The Concept Of Death"


So you'll never, EVER party with me? That's devastating to hear, you butt-hurt, butt-rock-loving butt-brain.
(BTW, Sepultura called. They want their 1988 wig & tank top back...).

And FYI, I'm a USA-born American citizen of British ancestry. My family has been in the U.S. for literally hundreds of years, so...yeah.

I don't hate the U.S. at all, I just have a cultural sensitivity that a lot of Americans seem to be lacking, because I've traveled quite a bit, and I talk to a lot of people from other countries. The U.S. has a major public relations problem internationally. Everyone hates Americans, because so many Americans tend to act superior, loud, arrogant, ignorant of other cultures, and overly informal with their loud backslapping brand of humor.

All I've done is illustrate how Josh Gates sometimes confirms those stereotypes. He is a funny guy, but often at the expense of the local host culture.
Who is a TV host who travels to other countries but DOES NOT do this? Anthony Bourdain. He's funny and sarcastic, but he does it without the snide digs and buffoon-like attention-seeking behavior that Josh Gates exhibits.

Now go brush your hair, OK Layne Staley? 100 strokes before bed each night will keep that mop in tip-top shape!

www.huffingtonpost.com/nathan-j-winograd/PETA-KILLS-PUPPIES-KITTENS_b_ 2979220.html


Typical response from a weakling fighting with a keyboard.

Everyone that reads this crap fight knows you would NEVER say those things to my face. I'm glad your afraid & find me offensive. The Hair comments I find a little confusing. Are they suppose to be insulting? Sorry you don't have a career that allows you to express yourself & image they way you'd like.

I thought we were having a typical forum feud but then things became hard for you to except, & you had to go down the road of insulting my appearance. Which tell me & everyone else, you lost & this is going nowhere near the Topic you created.

I don't care how traveled you are, you will never have the life experiences I have. Working in the Entertainment Biz, I too have traveled the World for the last 30 years. I have NEVER had a problem with 'Haters'.

Maybe it's not Americans they hate, Maybe it's the poor representive you portray, & that alone.

PS: As you continue to watch this show that you hate,
remember me everytime Josh is, (what you consider) a 'Smart @$$'.

PPS: Brazilian Metal RULES!!!!!!

"All Games Contain The Concept Of Death"


I thought we were having a typical forum feud but then things became hard for you to except, & you had to go down the road of insulting my appearance.
To be fair, you had the first dig at her:
You really need to either UP your meds, LOWER your meds, or get on some meds.

Personally I never picked up on it while watching the show but I can see what she is getting at, she DO have a point. The examples she made are mild which she also admitted to herself.

Perhaps it is being easier for me, being a non U.S. American, to see it, but such thing as what she mentions is the exact thing that annoys me with some U.S. Americans. To be honest though, I find that trait in a lot of people from other countries too(maybe a bit less frequent but still), and they annoy me equally.

I think Josh is fine though. I can see the point of the topic starter, but do not think Josh has really stepped over the line(I have only watched Expedition Unknown). I believe that on many occasions he is merely doing it for the cameras but I sense that he is much more 'humble' behind the cameras.


True, True.
I was a bit out of line there.

"Tourmalyn"-- This is me humbly apologizing. I should have kept the conversation on track.

Sometimes, for reasons not known to all, we all have the tendency to let emotions get in the way of the REAL topic, prompting someone to write something they should not.
I'm will now bow out of this topic.

"All Games Contain The Concept Of Death"


Thanks, guys. I appreciate both of your input, and I have no hard feelings toward anyone (not even toward Josh Gates!). I just created this thread to make some of my fellow Americans more aware and sensitive about these things that I've heard from citizens of other countries, of how insensitive or clueless Americans can sometimes be.

www.huffingtonpost.com/nathan-j-winograd/PETA-KILLS-PUPPIES-KITTENS_b_ 2979220.html



Lets talk about that:

Well you have British ancestry in common with Mr. Gates. BTW, he is not blonde but brown eyed with reddish brown hair.

He can come off a bit like Bob Hope, from my parents' generation, with his tongue in cheek remarks. I have heard far worse from John Cleese.

The producers/directors may want Josh to amp it up for the cameras. Face it, his profession, archaeology, is very dry.

Mr. Gates does it all. He pilots planes, dives, splunks and is well rounded.

I just viewed the "Unfiltered" and "Cambodian" episodes and I would say that Mr. Gates showed tremendous respect to the

I would take a second look.

"A stitch in time, saves your embarrassment." (RIP Ms. Penny LoBello)


It's a good thing that all those people, who probably don't give a *beep* about any of this, have you to here to be offended for them.


Here we go again with the whole, "Americans think they're better than everyone else" diatribe. It's so hypocritical how some folks will bash Americans while totally ignoring the fact every other culture on the planet is the exact same way. The fact you claim to be "an American yourself" is irrelevant if not pathetic, as anyone can make such a claim, and it's clear you only did so thinking it would magically provide your opinion more credibility. It's rather funny how no one else seems to agree with your bigoted assessment, save for ONE other person. Sadly, there are just some people out there who have a hard-on for Americans and will use any excuse to talk sh** about them. "Lets_talk_about_that" and "deem_bastille" are two such people, and I use the term *PEOPLE* loosely here. It's interesting how these are the only two clowns who feel that way, as everyone else recognizes Josh Gates to be an upstanding, respectful American.



I agree with the statement. I've travelled a lot, and from where I've been people seem to like Americans. At the very least we pay / tip well.


In Egypt of the 1980's the Egyptians thought that we were god luck, as it finally rained in the VoK!

Plu$ our tipping was appreciated.

"A stitch in time, saves your embarrassment." (RIP Ms. Penny LoBello)


I came here to say basically the same thing. I watched part of an episode and it was one of those top ten most dangerous footage things. The bit that made be angry at how he portrays Americans to the rest of the world is that amber room bunker/hidden passageway. This area was apparently hidden and not even the dude who opened the hatch for him knew if it was genuine or not. and this twit gets access? what credentials does he have and how could the people in charge of the areas he insists on visiting verify it?

he is an asswhole and he gives Americans a bad name.

Reading the paper can really be depressing. Mr. Dithers fired Dagwood again.


or maybe they were letting the American be the guinea pig to test the air?

and as far as being a 'twit who got access,' he's also a 'twit' who can pay a lot of money, and he has a tv show, which can publicize this area, and possibly bring in future tourist dollars, so, yeah, he got access


this twit gets access? what credentials does he have

if you read his bio, or listen to the opening of the the Expedition Unknown episodes, you would know that he has a degree in archaeology. From what I have read, he also apparently spent about 2 years working on a University of Maryland (?) under-water archaeological dig off the coast of Israel. So it is possible that in addition to his own credentials, he is arriving at his destinations with letters of recommendation from names of people that might mean nothing to the average viewer, but carry enough recognition with his local guides/ interpreters.

Whatever the reason he gets access, and then gets to share it with us, his thrill and excitement and curiosity come across, to me at least, as sincere.



I find that he comes across as extremely respectful of the other cultures. Even when he buts into a situation, like a bunch of Sherpas partying and dancing, and he starts dancing along, it doesn't come across as him throwing his white American male privilege around. It's a TV show, he needs to be type A in every situation to be the entertaining host, and yes he takes advantage of situations he comes across to try to make the show more entertaining. But to take what a single TV show host does and extrapolate that out as representing all American travelers is just kinda crazy. Of all the possible personalities we could be throwing at foreign cultures I am quite glad for them to build their perception of American's from Josh or some other random TV show host possibility.

Now in regards to his dancing with foreign people being cringe-worthy... I'll respectfully decline to comment ;x


The host is a boisterous A-hole, I was laughably entertained when I found he was from Boston, What a revelation. Americans think they are privileged, and often act out like infants in order to draw attention to themselves.

And to this person "Svenhozz" you need to shut your trap quickly and lick my boots yankee freak.
