I couldn't wait...

The reviews say this movie is slow and picks up after a while. I tried. I really tried. But it is excruciatingly boring and flat at the beginning and I reached a point where I couldn't invest any more time in it and stopped watching it.


Not a bad decision at all. It doesn't really pick up pace at any point of the film. Not to mention that all the characters are just extremely bland and uninteresting. When you get to the end you just think: FINALLY.


I understand where you're coming from; it actually took me two tries to finish.

It's EXTREMELY restrained in how it approaches some genre-hopping material, but if you can get in sync with the tone, and in particular, with its sense of humor, you might end up loving the film. I did.


Although I really enjoyed the movie overall, I had this same thought.

My girlfriend and I started watching it and 10 minutes in, we're like, this is too slow, we're not going to like it so we switched to another movie. A few days later, I'm home alone bored so I figured this is the type of movie to watch in that situation...

But from the moment Christopher Lloyd stabs the guy in the blue jacket, I was hooked, even though it continued to be slow, it held my attention really well. And the speed picked up after the halfway point anyway. Good thing I didn't just throw it away.
