This person knows what they are talking about, though I will point out that the words "psychopath" and "sociopath" are just layman's terms for what is generally antisocial personality disorder or narcissistic personality disorder.
Society uses these terms to describe the shared character traits these disorders have, which is a lack of empathy (lack the ability to care about/relate to another) combined with sadism (enjoying other's pain/enjoying causing it).
It is not considered curable. Though I wonder if it ever could be, if the parts of/activity in the brain that they are missing could ever be somehow modified by some scientific discovery in the future.
You can learn more about "psychopaths" from the site psychopathfree, which is mainly based around helping the victims of these people make sense of it all and avoid them in the future.
I think it's very important information, particularly since the vast majority of society seems to think that all psychopaths are killers, when, in fact, most just enjoy destroying the lives of others through emotional and psychological abuse (some physically abuse/kill as well, of course; often starting with animals), which, if you ask me, is probably worse than death. These people and similar are definitely people you want to learn to spot, not fall for their manipulation tactics and avoid.
Articles | Narcissist, Sociopath, and Psychopath Abuse Recovery
I hope this is helpful or at least interesting to some.