Three things ...
I am someone who is and always was highly interested in True Crime and the nature, psychology and diversity of the delinquents and alleged delinquents, but this case is extraordinary fascinating me.
First of I count to the obviously very few people who are not entirely convinced that Robert Durst killed his wife and/or Susan Berman.
Second, the more I learn about Durst, and I really did a LOT research during the past weeks, it blows my mind that Durst's real mental state ins't getting discussed and doesn't get even more attention as it does, as I more and more come to the conclusion it's absolutely fundamental and essential when it comes to his actions and behavior, and therefor for his competency to even commit such a crime and in how far he is really accountable for whatever he did. Specially after I watched an interview with the forensic psychiatrist who had quite a lot sessions with him.
Durst clearly had emotional issues right from the start when he was a kid, or at least after he lost his mother so early through suicide.
I think his mental state changed and worsened through the decades and specially now that he suffers from such severe neurological issues I wonder if he even is capable to face his trial as a legally sane individual.
Thirdly, slowly I'm afraid he won't even live long enough to meet the end of his own trial and therefor we'll probably never see this case getting 100% solved.
From what I read and heard Bob physically became very very frail and got transferred to the Mental Health Unit at the Elayn Hunt Correctional Facility cause of his decreasing condition and also cause of being at risk to commit suicide.
Judge me, I feel something like empathy for this guy.
Not because I think he's entirely innocent and not because I fell for his - very strange sort of - charm.
I feel sorry for him cause nonetheless he seems to be an extraordinary intelligent person who was born in such a bizarre family and whose life took such a damn twisted and sad path.
Bob Durst mentally always lived in another galaxy, and that galaxy ain't a happy one.