He may be a murderer but I gotta say I like the guy

I think Jarecki did too. The Galveston jury sure found him likeable too.

The way he talks how he says things. Some of my favorite lines

"i bought a womans blouse. I bought a womans handbag."

"goodbye, 250k goodbye bail'

jarecki- 'you would call the office collect?'

durst - 'Oh, all the time!'

'tell us about that...'

'I would call the office collect!'

why did your brother hire body guards against you?

"cause he's a pussy"

Some of these you just need to hear the way he says it to really understand how he is just such an amusing person. Hell goons in prison liked his ass and Im sure he was very well protected by an amalgam of factions if he ever needed defending which it seems like he never did.

A lot of people seem to feel sorry for the guy. Yes hes killed people and super rich but I can understand how his life must have always sucked. People using him, expecting better of him. Saying how theres no excuses for some of his behavior simply because hes rich.

I feel as tho if he stayed in vermont with his health food store with his wife, it may have actually turned out to be a happy ending.

I mean just look at their property, running their own store in a beautiful spot like that. I can only ever dream of a life like that with my girlfriend. He often did things he didnt want to do. Being the first born in a family dynasty has never been easy for those who did nothing to deserve it.

It's a sad tale for me as a viewer. He turned into a dusty old semi schizo as a result of his actions. But it seems as tho he may actually find some peace of a conviction. If he does indeed get convicted I truly believe he'll have no reason to lie anymore and may come clean about everything. Or keep it to himself out of spite for all of us.


I agree, I couldn't help but feel sorry for him at times too but if he did these things, he's a truly evil man. I think seeing his mother kill herself really damaged him and it doesn't sound as though his father was the most supportive... Bob clearly has some mental issues!


I've watched The Jinx,and he may be a murderer,but i like him too!
(i am no homosexual or anything)
Just the way that he talks and explain some stuff it's just funny..
I like the part:
Can you unstrike a match? NO
Can you unring a bell? NO
If somebody is death,can you prevent it from dying? NO
Too funny...


I'd love to know how he killed his wife and got away with it.

For no particular reason of course.


How do you accidentally shave your eyebrows?

I liked Bob to a degree, but am under no illusions. The interviews give him a chance to charm & connive, something he's been taught from a young age, but definitely not something he could keep up for any considerable length of time. Kathey realised this too late, and was in the process of leaving him! There's just no way in hell it would have been "a happy ending" if they'd stayed together in Vermont. Kathey was Bob's attempt to be normal as for the most part he loved her and she made him feel good.. until the honeymoon was over and she had her own things going on. After that, Bob's just a crazy paranoid *beep* who did what he wanted. Even being interviewed for the doc is just insane (considering he was homefree). He's not a rational man.


Yeah I really like him too. I feel bad for him in a Dexter sort of way.

I took the subway to Wayne Station and Batwalked up the road.


Unfortunately, according to all of Dursts' siblings, he didn't actually witness his mother die, he and his brothers where taken to the neighbors and remained their for the entire duration. He claims his brother Robert nor anyone else actually witnessed or saw anything. He supposedly fabricated the story to make him seem more sympathetic, according to his brother anyway, whom we all know is in fact a pussy, so it's hard to say rather Bob is just being a little bitch or if he's telling the truth.

"She stated afterwards that it was clear to her that it wasn't a first time dismemberment job for Durst (hinting: "Yeah, I thought he did it.") She also noted that the prosecution seemed to think it was such a home run that they didn't put in enough effort, then found out they were screwed. " -About the judge.

Sounds like maybe Robert Durst IS Dexter.



I was okay with his brother until he told the Director 'Well you're not successful' at that dinner. What a douche.

He goes 'California is a big state', you can tell he's holding back a laugh, he wipes his face in an attempt to hide it. Like he's been wanting to say it for years.


Just IMHO, but he seemed like a condescending snob. He couldn't be nice to her family for a couple of hours. He says that her mother only reads some magazine about canning. Really? What a jerk.

