This is ten thousand times better than fiction

I can't describe how I felt when I was watching the ending scene. Even though I've always had no doubt that Durst did all three murders, I never imagined the documentary would end like that! And I felt deeply sorry for the guy, even deeper than for all the other people involved and interviewed. Even though Durst is the devil, I kept thinking what he could have done with his life if his mother didn't die or if his father cared for them more. I feel that he was completely traumatized by his mother's death, much more so than his siblings because his siblings were all too young to have a memory of their mother and therefore be affected profoundly. Unfortunately for him, he was seven years old when his mother died, and that experience could definitely distort someone's personality and mental health. Look at all his photos as an adult, in none of them does he seem remotely happy. Look at the videos and photos of him with his mother, pure innocence and happiness. He killed three people, but he must also has been torutred by guilt. That's why he carried photos of both Kathie and Susan after they were dead. That's why he sent the LAPD the cadaver note so that Susan's body wouldn't go ignored and decay in the house so that she would be properly buried. He is extremely controlling and selfish, of course. But look at his brother Douglas. I feel nothing but disgust about Douglas. Bob was passed over for his father's business by his brother, and was literally driven out of the business as well as the family. You can tell the bad blood between these two brothers. Bob's sister's son wanted to talk to Douglas about Kathie, look what a jerk Douglas was. The story of Robert Durst is a complete tragedy in every way. There is no winner, only sadness. Bob Durst should be punished for the crime he committed, but isn't he also a victim in a sense? A victim of his father's betrayal, of his brother's coldness, of his mother's death, of the greed of Morris Black and Susan Bormen. No one seems to care about him, everyone wants his money. His second wife, his lawyers, even his best friend Susan. When Susan was short on money, she started blackmailing him. No one in this entire story showed real care and concern for the guy. Rich family, yes. The only person I'd say who ever showed real affection for Robert is ironically Susan's stepson, whom Robert gave 25,000 a year for four years for him to go to college. The reaction of that young guy was real emotion when he realized he might have been friends with his stepmother's real killer all the time. It is sad. Just sad.
