Three remarkable 'tells'

1) When he noted that he thought the police were "looking for body parts". WTF? Why would he say that, when the body wasn't found at the time of the interview? Weird, and TMI.
2) The "shaved eyebrows". GREAT question. "Did you shave your eyebrows?" You could see he was caught off guard, especially after explaining that he shaved his head because he 'didn't want to be noticed because he was on the lam'. Then? He humunuhs when asked about his eyebrows and says he shaved them "because it looks weird, how do you accidentally shave your eyebrows"? No. He shaved ALL his body hair, which is something premeditated murderers do to reduce chances of leaving DNA at the scene.
3) The Blinking. He KNOWS the twitchy thing is a 'tell', so he was FAKING by blinking so much. At first I thought I might be on to something, but then noticed he was rapidly blinking after answering every question. This is a technique taught to CIA and spies all over the world to beat 'the lie detector' and interrogators. The fact that he was so clearly blinking intentionally is a tell that he is COVERING UP his lies.


ARE YOU IN MY HEAD?? I watched the whole thing with my mom and made these exacts same points also there's one time where he's asked if he had something to do with his wife's disappearing and he says 'no' but his heads says 'yes' he shakes his head saying yes. I dont know if you ever watched 'Lie to Me' but thats a clear sign of lying. He does that a couple of times. I ALSO NOTICED that in the last episode, after he stayed a while without being interviewed his twiches got so much lighter, it barely show, like he forgot. He's totally faking the blinking I dont know much about medicine but he has at least 3 different twitches and my mom says its possible for a person to have more than one twitch but I dont think his twitches follow a pattern in my opinion its just all over the place, but I dont even watch medical shows so what do I know? For me he's tottaly faking it because he knows his real twich would give im away. Sorry for the bad english its not my first language.


Nice~!~!! Did not notice multiple twitches, I only caught the "squinch" of both eyes which seems to be an imitation of an exaggerated blink. I cannot think of Robert Durst's face now without thinking of that twitchy blink! Your point about multiple twitches is important, because while he probably does have a 'tell' if left to his own devices in privacy, there is just no way to pick out his natural behavior in order to determine that tell. I also missed the mixed-message you pointed out for his word being 'no' but his body-language being 'yes'. Very interesting, I have not seen 'Lie To Me' but have it available on Amazon Prime and will check it out.

One more thing, Durst's reply about why he flew into N. Cal into that little nothing town (I live in N. Cal, nobody goes there!) the same weekend Susan Brooks was murdered. His response when asked about the timeline from his flight landing in, to the time he flew back to NY, and the math worked out that he could easily have driven to-and-from L.A. in that time) was a massive tell. He was 'caught' by any reasonable person, who would have been embarrassed. But as a sociopath and narcissist, Durst just smirked at his interviewer. It was so arrogant, saying "I know you know, but you can't prove anything and I don't care what you think!" Creepy!

Thanks for your reply, I was feeling like the Lone Ranger without any response to the OP!:-)

P.S. your English is just great!


Not only the fact that he was clearly hard-blinking after every lie, but the tunes when he *didn't* do the blink were just as telling, usually after some innocuous question.


You are making waaaay to many assumptions and have fundamental facts wrong.
He shaved his head and eyebrows (says all body hair) after he had already been arrested for the murder of his neighbor, (shaving his head and eyebrows was part of his disguise when he was on the lamb after having skipped bail.
So it had nothing to do with leaving DNA at a crime scene.

As far as his blinking, the only time so see Bob Durst is when he is on camera, there are people who have facial ticks that are beyond there control all the time, not just when they are lying, there are people who have mild turrets so they have all kinds of ticks and odd body movements that if a person had never met that person or knew that person and sat down and began talking that persons mannerisms and facial ticks might seem to indicate that they are lying or very nervous but in reality that is just them being normal.
Do we know for certain Bob Durst is a lair? of course we do, do we know he has murdered people, of course we do, but to say that his blinking is a tell that he is lying and to say that he knows this and so is intentionally blinking to cover his tracks, is purely speculation on your part.
Everyone loves to play JR detective, but the facts are, that because you have never met Bob durst, or have ever spent any time around him, you are just trying to play JR detective and look at things that while they could be tells,, could also very really just be normal facial ticks or signs of a medical condition that we have no idea of,, he is also 71 years old, and many old people have eye conditions that cause them to blink or have mild facial spasms.


Get over yourself.

The murders in the mini-series are the only ones discussed, but there very well could be more. 'Shaving eyebrows' as part of a disguise? Please. He was wearing a woman's wig and makeup and living as a woman in Galveston, and to put on women's painted eyebrows you have to shave. But ALL his bodyhair was shaved, not just head and eyebrows and his explanation was ridiculous and contradictory. He shaved his head to change his appearance and his eyebrows so he could 'look weird'? That makes him MORE memorable, not less. Taking his explanations at face-value, which you appear to have done, is what sociopaths are counting on. They 'explain' something and in a tone that makes it seem like a plausible answer, and then it is on the listener to challenge them.

And the whole point of the mini-series was to "play Junior detective." The film producers Durst contacted (read that part again) were playing Junior detective. The viewer is invited to play Junior detective. There are over 100 hours of footage, and the mini-series is 4.5 hours long so everything in it has meaning. Do you know what happened to Durst during the showing of the last episode? Based on your reply, I doubt it. So here, I've done the legwork for you. Enjoy, and Happy New Year!


Well first you are wrong, and you need to re-watch the documentary.
When he was arrested he had hair and eyebrows, how do I know this? (because they showed a picture of his mug shot and in that picture he had hair and eyebrows)
He had bail posted then when he skipped bail is when he shaved his head and eyebrows.

So right off the bat your argument is null and void.
Yes I know what happened, I have internet and did my own research.

The documentary is for the viewer so see how the people doing the documentary were playing JR detective, and what they uncovered, and of course 90% of what they filmed never made it to print, so we are only shown what the people who made the documentary wanted us to see, (as in the important stuff)

But when a person who watches the doc. starts saying well this and that were done because of this and that, but they are basing their conclusions on inaccurate information then yes I will point it out.

His shaving his head and eyebrows while on the lamb was his way of radically changing his appearance from the way he looked in his mugshot because he knew that his mugshot was the most recent picture of him and since that was the most recent picture of him, he knew that it would be that picture that the police would be showing on the TV.

If on Monday the police arrest me and take my mugshot and in that mugshot I have brown hair and a beard, and on Tuesday I get out on bail, and I know that I am not going to show up to my court date, do you think that on Wednesday I am going to still have brown hair and a beard?
No I would either shave my head of dye my hair a different color and I would lose the beard.
When he knew he was going to skip bail, that is when he shaved his head and eyebrows so that it would be harder for people to recognize him.
Also and (this is speculation on my part) When people go through Chemotherapy most of the time they lose their hair AND their eyebrows, since most people feel uncomfortable around people who they think have cancer and are going through Chemo, people seem to look away and not look the person in the face, they just steal a quick glance and move along, so it is possible that was his line of thinking in shaving his eyebrows, make myself look so strange that people will not want to take a good long look at my face for fear of getting caught staring at a guy battling cancer.
Yes there I was the one playing JR detective, and like I fully admit, that is nothing but speculation, I could be totally wrong about him shaving his eyebrows for that very purpose,, but do you see why playing (JR Detective) is like playing armchair QB on Mondays, we have all the benefit of hind site, but the fact is that nobody except Robert Durst knows exactly what he did and why he did it.
So the least we can do when playing JR Detective is to make sure that we get our facts straight about what we are basing our arguments on.

See what happens when you actually pay attention to what you watch and use a little common sense?
and Happy New Year to you as well.


You are missing the point. He didn't shave his body hair BEFORE killing Morris Black in Galveston, as his mug shot shows. So why did he shave it afterwards? You appear to take Durst at his word that it was part of his disguise.

And yet a man with no body hair, no eyebrows especially, is very memorable.

I am not arguing that he shaved his body hair to kill Morris Black. You are rendering an argument 'null and void' that was never made.

So, I wish you well with your self-image and certainty that you 'actually pay attention' and 'use a little common sense.';-) Happy New Year!


I am the kind of person who downloads TV shows/movies off of "The Pirate Bay"
So I have the entire "The Jinxs" on my computer, I have gone back and re-watched the very parts of the documentary we are talking about.
When he was arrested, they took his mugshot photo, in that mugshot photo he has a full head of hair AND he has eyebrows, when he gets arrested again for shoplifting the sandwich he is shown leaving the grocery store and being put into a police cruiser and he is bald and has no eyebrows.

Yes when he went to Galveston Texas he used to wear a disguise (that of a woman)
But the fact that when he was arrested for the murder of his neighbor, he had hair and eyebrows, that tells us he was not in disguise as a woman, so I don't need to take his word for it, the police mugshot proves it.

When he was in jail waiting to be bailed out he had hair and eyebrows, it is when he skipped bail that he shaved his head and eyebrows.

So do what I did, RE-Watch the documentary, then come back on here and state your case.
I am correct on this, how do I know this, because I just rewatched the part of the episode which shows his mugshot taken after his arrest for the murder of his neighbor.
I have the evidence right in front of me,, I can watch and rewatch that scene over and over,, it is not going to change the 4th or 5th time I watch that scene.

hair at the time of his arrest,, skips bail, no hair no eyebrows,, that is not opinion,, that is fact.


Still missing my point. He shaved it all AFTER going "on the lam." You seem to be arguing that I am saying otherwise. He wouldn't need a disguise until after his arrest-and-bailjump. You are arguing by yourself, on a point that was never made.

You also seem to be arguing to take him at his word that when he was arrested for shoplifting, that he shaved his head to be less recognizable and shaved his he would be more recognizable? Does that make any sense?

You seem not to know that two women disappeared in Frisco. That there are more weird unexplained disappearances, peeping tom behavior, harassment and threats of violence, etc. that are part of Durst's public history but not part of the doc.

Watch it again, maybe then you will understand.


You are a full blown retard.

We were discussing the documentary,, nothing else,, I don't care about the two girls in frisco because that has nothing to do with the documentary.

YOU were the one who kept saying he was shaving because he was disguising himself as a woman.
Go back and re-read our entire conversation, if you (after having read our entire conversation, why you are wrong, then just stop watching anything on TV because you lack the capacity to understand anything you are viewing.

Do not bother responding, I am adding you to my ignore list, you are to stupid to realize when you are being stupid.


Yes, on the 'lam' he can play dress-up all he wants with a bald head and no eyebrows, putting on a woman's wig and makeup including the painted on 1960s eyebrows older matrons of Durst's age favor. He also shaved all his body hair. Did you even know that this is something murderer's do in order to prevent leaving DNA at a crime-scene? I doubt you did, because you would have a 'lightbulb' moment. So, those are the two reasons to shave body hair, especially eyebrows.

You seem to think Durst was trying to disguise himself as a chemo patient. Cognitive dissonance, you come onto the board with a set opinion two reasons that actually make more sense than the one you presented are simply dismissed.

I grow tired of your petulance and insults. Totally unnecessary. Your frustration is a separate issue, and I don't care about it all at. You'll deal with it (or not), and have your whole life ahead to be frustrated (or not). If putting me on an 'ignore' list helps you towards that end, fine. But please remember that you were the one who came on here to tell me I am wrong, not the other way around. Have a nice life. And Happy New Year!


1) Durst goes to Galvston.
2) Dresses up as woman (without
3) Durst gets caught WITH hair
4) Gets out of jail
5) Does not show up to jail, is on th run.
6) He shaves all his hair.

What don't you understand about this timeline ?That is the point were making here. He shaved after the killing of his neighbour.


^^^ that is the timeline as I understand it, too. As you and several others seem to be arguing a statement I didn't make, I took another look at my OP, below.

2) The "shaved eyebrows". GREAT question. "Did you shave your eyebrows?" You could see he was caught off guard, especially after explaining that he shaved his head because he 'didn't want to be noticed because he was on the lam'. Then? He humunuhs when asked about his eyebrows and says he shaved them "because it looks weird, how do you accidentally shave your eyebrows"? No. He shaved ALL his body hair, which is something premeditated murderers do to reduce chances of leaving DNA at the scene.

I am implying he was going to kill someone else, and was prepared to do so when he got caught. Another explanation is that he is painting on eyebrows in his 'dress-up'. I think he likes killing, likes the control, likes being smarter than police and his brother, making people afraid, or beholden to him, etc. There are DVD extras, and more discussed about Durst and his multiple arrests and lies to law enforcement and other witnesses. For instance, there are two women missing in CA and Durst looks good for it, read more here... So, again, I'm not saying Durst shaved his eyebrows blah blah blah Galveston.


"The "shaved eyebrows". GREAT question. "Did you shave your eyebrows?" You could see he was caught off guard, especially after explaining that he shaved his head because he 'didn't want to be noticed because he was on the lam'. Then? He humunuhs when asked about his eyebrows and says he shaved them "because it looks weird, how do you accidentally shave your eyebrows"? No. He shaved ALL his body hair, which is something premeditated murderers do to reduce chances of leaving DNA at the scene."

It's already been explained to you that he hadn't shaved all his hair off when he killed and dismembered the old man.He only done so to completely change the way he looked so as this has already been said you are completely wrong at a very basic level. If he really wanted to not leave his dna/hair at the scene he would have been completely bald when picked up, as he wasn't it can be assumed this meant nothing to him. Everything else is just background noise.

People like blood sausage, too. People are morons.


^^^ that is the timeline as I understand it, too. As you and several others seem to be arguing a statement I didn't make, I took another look at my OP, below.

2) The "shaved eyebrows". GREAT question. "Did you shave your eyebrows?" You could see he was caught off guard, especially after explaining that he shaved his head because he 'didn't want to be noticed because he was on the lam'. Then? He humunuhs when asked about his eyebrows and says he shaved them "because it looks weird, how do you accidentally shave your eyebrows"? No. He shaved ALL his body hair, which is something premeditated murderers do to reduce chances of leaving DNA at the scene.

I am implying he was going to kill someone else, and was prepared to do so when he got caught. Another explanation is that he is painting on eyebrows in his 'dress-up'. I think he likes killing, likes the control, likes being smarter than police and his brother, making people afraid, or beholden to him, etc. There are DVD extras, and more discussed about Durst and his multiple arrests and lies to law enforcement and other witnesses. For instance, there are two women missing in CA and Durst looks good for it, read more here... So, again, I'm not saying Durst shaved his eyebrows blah blah blah Galveston. You can relax, now.


As you and several others seem to be arguing a statement I didn't make, I took another look at my OP, below.

2) The "shaved eyebrows". GREAT question. "Did you shave your eyebrows?" You could see he was caught off guard, especially after explaining that he shaved his head because he 'didn't want to be noticed because he was on the lam'. Then? He humunuhs when asked about his eyebrows and says he shaved them "because it looks weird, how do you accidentally shave your eyebrows"? No. He shaved ALL his body hair, which is something premeditated murderers do to reduce chances of leaving DNA at the scene.

I am implying he was going to kill someone else, and was prepared to do so when he got caught. Another explanation is that he is painting on eyebrows in his 'dress-up'. I think he likes killing, likes the control, likes being smarter than police and his brother, making people afraid, or beholden to him, etc. There are DVD extras, and more discussed about Durst and his multiple arrests and lies to law enforcement and other witnesses. For instance, there are two women missing in CA and Durst looks good for it, read more here... So, again, I'm not saying Durst shaved his eyebrows blah blah blah Galveston. So you can now relax.:-)


I understand what you're saying but personally it doesn't fit to me. IMO he's not that smart. If it wasn't for his families wealth he would have seen a jail cell long ago. In the first murder(his wife) he had motive(they had been publicly fighting) and he even threw out her things. Also a hugely incriminating note was thrown out which was extremely sloppy. We seen how the 2nd murder came to bite him in the butt in the end of the doc with the note and spelling mistakes etc and in the 3rd murder of the old man he left a prescription note with his name on it in the bin which again was dumb. In every murder he can be attributed to he has made massive mistakes. It's really his wealth and the grace of god(luck) that he wasn't doing life. I mean the dude had 40 grand in cash on him and tried to steal a sandwich which says he's either cocky or stupid but either way he's sloppy. As said previously he hadn't decided to shave all his body hair for dna purposes and in my opinion it seemed much too high brow for him.

People like blood sausage, too. People are morons.


So you are sticking with your original position, and taking Durst at his word that he shaved his eyebrows to make himself look 'weird'. Okay.


I don't think he shaved all his hair off because he was planning to kill someone, either.

However, the documentary shows RD to be erratic. He is fuzzy when explaining what he was doing in Galveston impersonating a woman. He just waves away the question about the shaved eyebrows. He, in all likelyhood, wrote the "carcass" letter to the police, and in response to questions as for why, he waves it off incoherently and then goes to the bathroom while muttering to himself.

There are numerous instances throughout the film where RD lies for no reason. He is a pathological liar. He lied to the police about having a drink with his neighbour after "seeing his wife to the train". He lied about calling her. He lied about him and mr.Black being friends, going to cafés together and stuff. None of that was necessary to uphold some sort of storyline.

So he didn't shave off his eyebrows in order to look weird - he does not know why! He does not know why he do things most of the time.

He seems to have rather high IQ, but his vocabulary is not advanced. It might be said that he knows why he was "pushed away" from his family, but at the same time, he is unaware that he is obviously not fit to be the head of a billion-dollar company - the resentment alone shows this quite clearly. He is clearly disassociative. Maybe not enough to get an actual diagnosis, but certainly enough to push everyone around him away. He simply does not care about anything but himself to such a degree that his behaviour comes back to bite him! Even his first wife was nothing but a possession.


Robert Durst is, without a doubt, the worst liar I've ever seen. Every time he lies, he starts blinking and twitching out of control and it looks like his damn face is about to cave in. What a sick human being.


I found Bob's burping at the end to be a remarkable tell. You can tell his stomach was suddenly in his throat when he realized the letter Jarecki confronted him with compared with the cadaver letter.


Yes! That had to be such an unexpected and 'out-of-control' feeling for the pressure to be ramped up like that for Durst. When he was talking to himself in the bathroom, he even noted it as he was talking out loud about 'what a disaster' had just happened.


About the eyebrows~ My initial impression was that he shaved them to make himself look as different from himself as possible. Whether or not that made him look "even weirder" or more noticable didn't matter, just as long as he didn't look like himself.

But now I wonder if it was just a crazy act by a crazy man.

But anyway, where did we learn that he shaved all his body hair? I thought he was referring to his head and facial hair..?


So your explanation is that it was random, a 'crazy act by a crazy man.' Do you really think Durst is 'crazy'? Me neither.

Google 'murder shave body' and you will see it is 'a thing.'

It is fine if you disagree with me. But you should have an alternative explanation, if you do.


Uh, who said I disagreed with you?



Ha. Another detective with a Cracker Jacks badge. Your conclusions are hokum.


Yeah, I noticed the same thing right away - the blinking.

Is it a "tell"?


But then I read on Wiki he was diagnosed with Aspergers - facial tics are a common symptom.

But yeah, it makes you wonder.


Haha. You read too many Sherlock Holmes stories. None of what you said proves anything.
