I felt sorry for Durst

I felt sorry for Durst.

I cannot help but think he is a drug addict and everything in his life and in his persona can be explained by this
I guess that when he assumes the right cocktail his brain can still function quite efficiently in some respects, for example during the trial, but most of the time the effects are devastating. I cannot only see signs of him being on drugs during interviews but also signs of permanent brain damage.
I guess he was too stubborn and rich for any therapy to work on him and he ruined his and other peoples lives.


I feel really sorry for him. He was a victim in his mothers death by losing her at such a young age and witnessing her suicide.

Then his family was awful to him. Both his father and brother sound like a piece of work. Bob Durst would have been better off running the health food store. This probably was a pivotal moment he went downhill psychologically.

Then his trophy wife, best friend( Berman), and future friends seem to only want his money. They don't really care anything about him. They want the cash!

I'm sure after a while he couldn't take it anymore and just murdered them out of pure rage. They didn't deserve to be killed but I feel very sorry for Bob Durst. He was continuously used and abused.
