Season 3 Thoughts?
I enjoyed season 1 and 2. I thought this season was a bit weaker than the others.
Not sure if they did a lot of these episodes this way due to COVID issues, but it feels like such a waste of them being in Europe and only having something like 4-5 true episodes that dealt with the story or progression. The setting alone had me excited for this season, especially with how season 2 ended and set the tone going forward.
The anthology episodes were okay at best and just felt like there was either a message they really wanted to get across, or they had a fun idea and just had to include it. I don't think that's all bad, but having so many of them detracted from the season. At least give an extra few episodes for the total season length to help account for the 4 episodes that were alternate stories.
I don't feel like the characters/story was able to move forward as much as I wanted it to, or at least just spend more time with their characters in general.