Well, I watched it once
and I guess that'll be about it. I was hoping for an intelligent Brit to follow Craig, but that's not to be. What I thought:
Why is there a bar in the studio, other than the fact that the show is prominently sponsored by Anheuser-Busch?
What the hell is that leading the band? I thought it was wearing a wig, but nope. And it's going to interact with Corden every night?
I don't like the gang interviews. Cavett did it well, but he would interview each person individually first. It's going to be awkward having two completely disparate people shouting over each other to get attention. Luckily Kunis was in awe of Hanks so there wasn't a shouting match.
Are all the guests going to have to run that gauntlet to get to the stage? At least that could prove interesting and embarrassing.
Corden is going to have to tone down his Fallon-cackle. Are all the new talk show hosts going to be on meth?
I know it was only the first night, but you can get an immediate feeling right off the bat whether you're going to like something or not. At least he really thanked Ferguson, who never got any recognition. I wish him well, but the show's not my cup of tea, or glass of Budweiser. Craig got me to watch talk shows again, but I guess that's over now. Oh well; more free time for me.