MovieChat Forums > Grandma (2015) Discussion > Worst movie of the decade

Worst movie of the decade

If you like F bombs every couple of minutes, and stilted dialog, wooden acting, this movie is for you. I can't believe Lily Tomlin would do a movie like this. She was shrill and also too old to have a cute girl friend like this. Not reality.


...and a perfect example of reviewers hyping a movie like crazy to the point of insulting the intelligence of the good people who actually take the time to read their columns.

Every reviewer at every major media outlet deserves a truckload of F-bombs for their misleading raves over this abominable excuse for entertainment.

*Danny's not here, Mrs. Torrance*


I am so sick of tired of the religious zealot trolls who populate the IMDb like this person. Every single movie has the question "how much drugs, sex and violence are in this movie", always in the same format, with no attempt to disguise the fact that it's being made by a trolling internet bot. Frankly, I'm surprised that IMDb hasn't clamped down on this sh*t and removed all of the fake questions right from the gitgo. Too bad these wingnuts don't have something better to do, besides going to republican conventions.


Ain't that the truth. These people should spend their time shilling for Ted Cruz, or maybe watching Kirk Cameron movies



Exactly! I am strongly pro-choice, which is why I watched the movie in the first place. However, it was very disappointing.


I agree with your take on the reviewers!


you obviously did not see the same "Grandma" movie that I did. Maybe there was an f-word now and then, but not every couple of minutes. Shrill? That was Tomlin's character; she is an abrasive and misanthropic person. Maybe you don't like that kind of character, or that image of a grandmother, but she's very realistic. And "tool old to have a cute girlfriend"? That's the point! That's why Tomlin is breaking up with the girlfriend in the movie's very first scene; she thinks the girlfriend is too young for her, and they've only been together for 4 months.

I'd say this is one of the BEST movies of the year, not least because all the main characters are women.



you seem nice.


LOL that made my day


Wow. Don't hold back, "professor"; let us know how you really feel.



I don't object to "F bombs," and another commenter might consider me part of the "homosexual lobby," but I do protest when presented with "stilted dialog & wooden acting" - and there I have to agree with you. I think Lily Tomlin is great, but she just dialed in this part, & her cohorts rarely hit a groove either. (Other than Laverne Cox, who did great.) Script didn't have much going for it either. A big mediocre bust. Oh well. Next!


I didn't notice that many f-bombs. Maybe the OP saw another version of the movie.


This film was excellent hence the good reviews. I'd say the OP is trying to steer people away because of the pro-choice nature of the film and that religious pro lifers in the film were comically albeit probably accurately portrayed. To be honest it's easy to deduce who the OP is because who else would care so much about a couple f-bombs especially when there really only were a handful in the film.


Agree with this.

I don't really see why Tomlin has gotten so much praise for this movie. I think Julia Garner was much better than her actually. The acting was nothing special and while I wouldn't call it the worst movie of the decade or even of the year, its still pretty bad.

Poorly Lived and Poorly Died, Poorly Buried and No One Cried


I never even heard of this film before today, so I don't know where this supposed hype some of the posters here claim it's been getting is coming from. This was a nice little thoughtful indie film, and not once did I feel anybody was "phoning" anything in. It probably didn't win any awards because of the subject matter, which probably kept it from getting any real promotion. I've never even seen a review online about it except a very brief synopsis about it on the site of what's probably the only theater in my town where it's playing at. The performances were natural and felt inspired, like in most really good indie films I've seen. Sounds like too any people were put off at the thought of a film that deals upfront with abortion, and the fact that the leading lady isn't some hot young chick for a change. Young folks need to see that life dosen't end or stop being fun after you pass the age of 40,anyway.

Also, Tomlin was really good in this role---I love watching films about tough women getting their groove on, anyway. Also the young actress who played her granddaughter was good, but to say that she was better than Tomlin is really stretching it. You're only saying that because she's young,blond and cute,that's all. And for the OP saying this is the "worst movie of the decade"---please, this person is trolling like hell, because they obviously haven't seen a hell of a lot of films to begin with, then.


I have no opinions on abortion one way or the other. As for the fact that the leading lady isn't young and hot, that doesn't bother me either. I'll see you in my dreams is one of my favorite movies of 2015 and that features a tough old lady getting her groove on too.

Cocoon, The Straight Story, and Nebraska are also some of my all time favorite movies.

Don't make silly assumptions about me. The fact is that I found her performance weak and I found the movie weak and that's my opinion and you're welcome to yours.

Poorly Lived and Poorly Died, Poorly Buried and No One Cried


Thanks for the heads-up - I'd not heard of I'll See You in My Dreams, but what a great cast! I've loved Blythe Danner for about 25 years (*such* an underrated actress, and so much more talented than her kooky daughter), so will definitely check that out.


Wow, in that short list of films you managed to name some of my favorite films of all time. Throw in nobody's fool and the list is more than perfect.


Agree with you. Someone, a Lily Tomlin fan, mentioned it to me, otherwise I'd not heard of it, I don't think (I read AV Club and Vulture, so I might have?) Anyway, it certainly wasn't overhyped and there weren't that many F bombs.

I thought there was one cliche: Of course Grandma would have a cool old '50s Dodge, just right for a (kinda) road movie.

Tomlin gave a very natural performance. It was nice to see Sam Elliott.

I suspect the OP saying this is the worst movie of the decade is a result of a problem with the subject matter.


Turns out that's actually Lily Tomlin's own car:

I found the film utterly charming and very moving. Lily Tomlin has one of the best laughs in cinema history. :)


I agree. Lily Tomlin was wasted in this poorly written flick.


OH NO! NOT SWEAR WORDS!!!! Cheese and rice get the F over yourself, life doesn't revolve around YOU

The further a society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those that speak it


Even gay friendly Hollywood was not impressed with "Grandma". Lily was not even nominated for an Oscar. From a number of the reviews the movie is not that good. She didn't even win a Golden Globe, which is like a booby prize in the industry.


It's a by-the-numbers movie that could have only gotten made because Lily Tomlin signed on. She's great in just about anything, but this movie has been made a hundred times already.


I couldn't disagree more, this is one of the most realistic comedies that's come along in a while. The acting was very good, especially from Lily Tomlin who really should have been nominated for an Oscar. I also strongly disagree that she's "too old to have a cute girlfriend" there are plenty of older people in relationships with younger adults, it's not hard to believe at all especially since Tomlin's character is supposed to be a celebrated writer and Olivia was enamoured with her work. The dialogue was brilliant, and very funny, and there really wasn't that much swearing although if you really hate swearing then you shouldn't watch R rated films.


Poor attempt at trolling, you infant. People say the "F" word in real life. Some more than others and some less. Get over it. This movie is fantastic. The scene at Sam Sheppard's house was was so far from "wooden" I suspect you saw the movie Bad Grandpa instead of Grandma. "too old to have a GF like this"? Do you know how many college students hook up and have relationships with their much older professors? Maybe you did not go to college or maybe you are just sexist/homophobic and don't think it can happen between 2 women with such a difference in age?


Not reality.

I think it most definitely was reality. Unlike a lot of movies, not much happens... it just sorta is a day about some less than perfect people. You know... like the reality of people's lives.

Also, I didn't notice too much swearing. Certainly not more than most people I know tend to use in... well, reality.

So far as her relationship with a younger, attractive person? It let you see her insecurities and was touched on in the movie. It most certainly wasn't just typical Hollywood attaching a hot, young female to the lead for seemingly no reason whatsoever and was actually necessary for the film. Not like the movie 'Chef' where the lead is tied to both Sofia Vergara and Scarlett Johansson just because... Hollywood. With the vast majority of movies in Hollywood wanting us to accept unrealistic relationships for seemingly no good reason, I think it's absurd to try and complain about it here.

I thought the movie was done very well. Very solid performances in front of the camera and seemingly very capable people behind (for the record: the director also directed 'About a Boy' - which is a movie I find WAY too enjoyable).

I can see how the movie might not sit well with people of a certain mindset - it deals with women's issues such as abortion. That's fine. But the movie certainly does what it does well and wasn't "bad" - even if one's personal opinions wouldn't let one care for it.

Personally, I'm a man and my favorite movie is 'Fight Club.' I appreciated the movie and think it's worth watching... but I was left with a feeling that I sorta missed out on it and couldn't fully appreciate it. I'm sure it didn't touch me on a personal level like it would for many others. I'm glad the movie is out there (and, again, I'm glad I watched it), even if I don't think I felt its full impact.


Worst trolling attempt of the decade more like...
Lady, you suck at this!
