The Favortism

i don't know if anyone caught this in the movie or in the story at all but seems like Amanda was his favorite, I know this isn't the ideal situation to talk about favoritism but it was kind of obvious who he preferred. He constantly beat Michele everytime she got pregnant so she could have a miscarriage but let Amanda keep her baby. He kept her locked in a different room from them which was, weird to me. He left the doors unlocked for Amanda which is how they escaped but not the other girls.

That daughter was their life saver honestly


I just read the book, and yes I think he favoured Amanda, He would tell Michelle and gina that Amanda was his wife and she was his family, Amanda was usually kept seperate from the other two, they didn't see her too much until after the baby was born.


Michelle breathed life into Amanda's baby Jocelyn, she was born blue.
According to the book the police didn't have to break into any of the
bedrooms so Gina & Michelle door was unlocked too.

Yes he did favor Amanda/ his wife somewhat, but she was still raped
& held hostage, but she had it best indeed.
Gina was the daughter of his childhood friend Felix.
Arlene Castro and Gina were bff's, so I think he felt a bit guilty
however it didn't stop him from going after her.

Gina & Michelle kept each other from death & insanity by
having each others back.Michelle/Lily took alot, she's incredible.

They were all angels in their own right



Hey, thanks captain obvious. Glad you're here.
