Reading through Michelle's, Gina and Amanda's, and Glatt's book, I lean towards a resounding NO. I don't want to lionize serial killers (far from it), but I believe Castro was way too much of a pussy-ass coward to kill a (reasonably big) person. A puppy? Yes. A fetus? Yeah, and more than one. A small child? Maybe. A teen or adult? No.
This piece of *beep* was terrified his hole life. *beep* terrified. Everything he did shows he lived in fear, constantly. How he lied all the time and denied to be responsible of his own actions, even when it didn't make sense. The absurd ammount of security measures in his house, which he installed for years before the kidnappings. How he treated his wife and always, always made her swear she wouldn't go to the cops. How he run away clumsily when the police showed up at his home and he was arrested for battery the first time, instead of facing the situation and trying to reason his way out like an adult. How he got in arguments with the neighbors but only from a position of power/protection (inside his car or armed with a shovel). How it took him 6+ years after his wife left to grow the balls to kidnap someone. How he only kidnapped short, weak teenagers or women who looked like teenagers. No, he wasn't a pedophile, he only kidnapped well-figured victims with very big boobs. He sure liked his women full-formed, but women who were small, tiny and terrified enough to never, never, never fight him back. Even so, he kept them chained at all times, with all the doors padlocked, holes in the door to spy them, mirrors, alarms, dogs outside, the loud music to hide even the sound of an eartquake. The way how, well, he constantly craved power through fear and he could only get this fear through direct violence and threatening his victims with the biggest gun he could find (definitively overcompensating), yet he would immediately bawl and moan about how HE was a victim, and how HE had been abused, as if he wanted them to pity and not be too harsh on him. He was doing the pouting routine of a small child or a dog that knows it's very, very weak. How he panicked when the TV related Amanda and Gina's kidnapping and wrote the bizarre suicide note in which he basically argues how he's not at fault for anything and he's a victim and they aren't because he treated them well and wanted to come with him and he paid and provided for them and so, so much *beep* How he didn't actually kill himself after that, and it took him years again and a month into a life in prison sentence to do it. How he NEVER confronted Colon despite hating him from the day he "stole" his "wife" (whom he never married, I bet, because he was scared of going through it), except one time in the security of his car when he tried to run him over, and another when he convinced two of his daughter (that couple of good for nothing bitches) to frame him for sexual abuse.
Heck, there is even a moment in Amanda's book when she asks him to kill her, and he, always eager to please his pet blonde (except for freeing, or not raping or giving her actual food) comes with a vacuum's cord and tries to strangle her. And he can't. The *beep* pussy can't strangle someone begging for it with a cord, let alone his own hands, despite being so prone to engaging in wanton violence (which only speaks of his weakness as a man). Yeah, he liked to wave that .44 Magnum a lot, but I bet he never fired it.