People we can all call each other names and throw insults around, it's all too easy and even the ignorant can do it.
But you know, not even the ignorant take what you scribbled into consideration, it reeks of worthlessness.
To say that this should all be "forgotten" like that's what we should do to every negative horrible thing in our history, hah..!
You can't forget some things and some images are too burned in our minds to ever forget.
This movie and their stories should be required study in our schools, it's meant to be talked about to prevent it from happening again, to people we love and care about, to our women and children.
It is also a huge message of hope and enduring horrible times. Mabes you've never been held a hostage, mabes you've never been tortured and just praps you're lucky enough to never suffer.
But should your luck turn, or should you be so stupid someone will prey on you, possibs you might need their story in your time of need.
Without it, or having so carelessly forgotten it, you might find yourself pulling a blade across your wrist and I for one, along with much of the human population, wish you would just do it now, why wait?
For the rest of us intelligent want to live types, this is more education than a college course and hopefully, we'll never need it but I for one, will save this memory in my mind forever.