MovieChat Forums > The Void (2017) Discussion > Keen breath of fresh air amid the woke t...

Keen breath of fresh air amid the woke trash....

No forced diversity, no characters unceremoniously announcing that they're lame and gay to hit those DEI quotas, nor any forced interracial pairings to make normal people squirm in their seats as two clearly uninterested thespians are forced to pretend to like each other while they convince neither themselves nor the audience of such a pairing.

I initially avoided The Void because I thought it was going to be sci-fi torture-porn, but I'm glad I finally gave it a watch after someone recommended to me and I must say that it was a good recommendation and it got me geeked for watching more. I was also recommended Resolution (2012) from someone else on here not too long ago and unsurprisingly that movie also appears in the recommended list for The Void over on IMDB, so I'll likely check that out next.

While the budget for this film was kind of low, and they had to cut some corners in set design and effects, I did like that everything was practical, they used squibs for the gun effects (praise be to the special effects department on that one!!!) and the practical monster effects were some of the best I've ever seen put to film. Really makes me miss those old rubber suits and latex layers from past films. CGI doesn't hold a candle to the real thing.


It's truly sad that some people like you get so upset by seeing mixed marriages or gay people. I mean, honestly, who cares? Just pathetic. Kill yourself.
