MovieChat Forums > Kicks (2016) Discussion > Rigged imdb votes?

Rigged imdb votes?

One of the makers of the film has surmised that someone is trying to derail the imdb ratings for this movie. As of this posting, the ratings curve does look very strange.


I thought the same. The critical reviews are much higher than seen here, as have been the responses at festivals.


Here we go, next you will cry that it's Racism.

You sound ridiculous, both of you.


Kicks scores higher on other forums. Before this film had its official release, it was down to 4.5. The only people who saw it were critics or those who attended festivals. Thus, in my opinion, the rating here is suspect and agenda driven. No one here claimed racism but you, which shows a preconceived idea on your part, not ours.


Kicks wasn't the only movie either, check out Other People's vote manipulation, it looks a lot like what happened to Kicks.


This looks rigged too. Other People crosses 77% approval from audiences on Rotten Tomatoes with critics also giving it high marks. The Birth of a Nation also had a rigged vote at the beginning of the year as well.


I agree with vote manipulation on Birth of a Nation, but it's different because of the contrasting 10's and 1's votes.

Kicks and Other People have an overwhelming amount of 3 and 4 votes.


This is indeed a fascinating story, and now it has been picked up by Wired:


The same thing happened with "The Promise"…

Within 1 day after the world premiere in Toronto there were 60.000 votes, mostly 1/10s….

The reason for that seems pretty clear: It's genocide denial by Turkish nationalists.

But with "Kicks" and the other indies mentioned, it's hard to say who has a vital interest

in attacking such films…maybe other distributors ? Racism is possible, too.



u just did foh


The soundtrack does not feature the great hit by Paul Revere & the Raiders. That alone has got to bring it down a few points.


Sounds like it's time to do away with imdb user ratings.


Yeah. I saw this movie...and there is no way the score should be this low.


Lol, this movie had it's vote rigged at the beginning by people associated with the movie, it always happens with indies and no doubt all the user reviews are paid for by the movie studio.

Now that real people are seeing the movie, it has it's true rating and if you want to be pathetic and claim the vote is rigged you will only achieve further low votes from people who haven't seen the movie but will do it out of spite.


Now that real people are seeing the movie, it has it's true rating and if you want to be pathetic and claim the vote is rigged you will only achieve further low votes from people who haven't seen the movie but will do it out of spite.

I think this is an incredibly dismissive statement. This is an indie movie that not many people have heard of. All the people that have watched it are most likely critics whose job it is to see it or people who actually wanted to see it.

Of those people, apparently 1,000 or so felt the need to log on to imdb only to give it a negative rating? For a big commercial film I can sort of understand it (Batman vs Superman for example), but a little indie movie with no stars or advertising?

But to be honest I lost faith in imdb ratings well over a decade ago. There are a number of movies from the last few years in the top 250 that are only there because fanboys 13-30 vote in higher numbers than any other demographic which skews the ratings big time. I mean Transfomers 2 still has a 6.0 for godssake and that movie was total trash.

Revenge is the most important meal of the day.


i know right? a movie this good shouldn't go any lower than a 6.5 or something
