Season 4 finale..

Let me see the finale. (watches it on flixify)

Alas, poor Magicians! I knew you well, a saga of infinite jest, of most excellent fancy.
You hath borne me on your back a thousand times, and now, how abhorred in my imagination it is, the end!
My gorge rises at it. Here hung those sweet bods that I have google image searched, I know not how oft. Oh..

So.. there was that. First I was like "Ah Nooooo!" then I was like "Oh Awwww!".. not really, but a bit of hyperbole never hurt.

Bit depressing, after a long, very long, convoluted saga.

Hopefully he can become a white lighter and visit his charming well endowed love in the next installments promised... no, really.. she has a banging set of boobs..

Welp, onto something else till Season 5 next year.
