Been binge watching

S3E6 last minutes in episode

....spoiler alert...

Beth tells her father what happened when she was 15 and pregnant.

She asked Jamie’s help...he was only 16 and certainly too young also to deal properly with the situation.

They went to the Indian reservation clinic where patients must also be sterilised if they want to abort.

In all honesty , I don’t think Jamie understood the ramifications of his decision to not tell his sister about the sterilisation.

Personally, I got the impression that Beth told her father because she knew their father would take her side and blast Jamie.

Beth knows that the only thing Jamie has ever wanted /craved for is to have their father’s approval.

Seeing Beth was so keen to talk, when she told Rip she couldn’t have children, why didn’t she add she lied to him . she told Rip she was not pregnant and decided on her own to get an abortion.

As for John Dutton.. Beth didn’t feel she could go to her father and tell him at the time .. after their mother died ,John Dutton became absent as a parent figure.

His violent outburst toward Jamie shows us once again that he has two measures when it comes to Jamie and his other two kids Kayce and Beth. Continues...


Second part:

John and Beth both vent their anger/resentment on Jamie instead of facing the fact that they are both equally to blame for what happen when she got pregnant.

.. John Dutton for not being present as a parent and Beth for not just going to her father .. her family had money ..she could have had the baby but she wanted to avoid her father’s disapproval.

Beth for the last 20 years has abuse verbally and physically Jamie.. their father never questioned her open hostility towards her brother.

Jamie is emotionally a wreck .. he has been rejected and yet he has fought for the family, for his father without reserve.

And what was all that crap about bulls being distant and only cows loving their calves whenJamie confronts him about being adopted ??.. John Dutton showed no empathy towards Jamie .. not a loving word from the heart.

John Dutton clearly loves Beth and Kayce ..and has always closes an eye on their behaviour...

so all that talk ..trying to worm himself out for never having loved Jamie , is valid only for Jamie.

John Dutton even got Jamie to repeat his oath on the bible .. .. really???

what happened with the journalist ..the interview and then her death... was brought on by John Dutton’s selfish persona.

For once in his life, Jamie was doing something he enjoyed and his father wanted to take that away from him simply because he felt Jamie was dedicating too much time to the campaign ( which John himself had sanctioned for strategic reasons) and not enough time to him.


I didn't read every point, but the writers want us to believe that Beth's issues with Jamie are because of her sterilization.

As you said, Jamie was also young and maybe didn't grasp the ramifications of her abortion at the reservation clinic. The abortion/sterilization is the "reason" we are told for Beth's hate, but anyone with the level of Beth's hate has more issues going on than just that. She's tried to talk him into suicide for Pete's sake.

BTW, the writing on this is weak. When Jamie went into the clinic alone, the receptionist warned Jamie of the forced sterilization in no uncertain terms. Surely they would have told Beth as well.

This means that one of two things happened: Jamie convinced the staff at the clinic *not* to tell Beth she would also be sterilized (unlikely) or that Jamie convinced Beth to be sterilized (also unlikely). So they just shot the scenes with no explanation at all.


**The abortion/sterilization is the "reason" we are told for Beth's hate**.......

Actually, she has no issue about the abortion .. it's the sterilization ...the fact she can't have children anymore.

Unlike lots of young pregnant teens, Beth did have options: she could have had the baby, but she wanted to avoid her father's disapproval, judgment, and anger.

She also took it upon herself to lie to Rip, the father.

Yes it doesn't make sense that the lady of the clinic didn't explain to Beth when she came in about the sterilization..there would have been forms to fill in too.

She blames Jamie entirely and has verbally and physically abused him for years... and John Dutton never queried or stopped it...that seems weird to me.
by strntz:
The abortion/sterilization is the "reason" we are told for Beth's hate but anyone with the level of Beth's hate has more issues going on than just that.

I was shocked when she tried to talk him into committing suicide.... have you given it some thought .. what other grudge could she have against Jamie?
Beth is always saying everything SHE does is for her father... yet behind his back, she attacked Governor Perry.

Beth :"My father just wants to forget. But not you. You want to piss in every corner and make those corners yours. Affairs happen in hotels, not homes. I ruin careers for a living.You sleep in my mother's bed again, and I will ruin yours."

John likes Perry a lot and he can choose where he wants to sleep with her. It's not Beth's business. And her father would have been furious if he knew what she did.

Beth should have confronted her father if she had an issue ?

She didn't want to because she is always saying:"Whatever you want/decide is okay by me" ....but in reality it isn't so.


I’ll have to watch this show sometime.
