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Could Daredevil, Jessica Jones and Luke Cage be, in actuality, Inhumans?

With the principal exception of Iron Fist because his chi force-based powers are magical, could Daredevil, Jessica Jones and Luke Cage be, in actuality, Inhumans?

This is going to be a bit long. But if you are willing to read it all, then this is my theory:

Sigourney Weaver is playing the main villainess antagonist in the Defenders, a completely made-up character known only as simply, "Alexandra". Apparently, she is some kind of founder and leader of her own secret criminal organization, perhaps also even a kind of wealthy businessperson of a sort. This makes her character a type of female crime lord, or "crime lady" who I presume is similar to the Kingpin (Wilson Fisk) but a person who, as a woman, uses her brains instead of her brawn, as the crime lord Kingpin of Crime is also very smart, but mostly is known for being quite strong.

Now, if she is the main bad gal in the story that caused the first four founding members of the Defenders to form the anti-hero team and unite against her, then there must be a common denominator that makes them all connected to Alexandra in some way.

Daredevil was accidentally blinded by chemical waste when he had saved an old man from being hit by a dump truck carrying the chemical waste. The car had crashed and the chemical waste spilled out and hit Matt Murdock in the eyes, completely blinding him physically and permanently, but somehow mutating him so that he had become a superhuman being, possessing a superhuman "R.A.D.A.R." sense that compensated for his damaged eyes' total blindness, and his other four remaining physical senses of hearing, smell, taste and touch were all enhanced to superhuman levels, making them all as acute as an animal's senses.

But how did chemical waste transform him into a superhuman being possessing various superhuman mental, and physical powers?

Jessica Jones was accidentally exposed to chemical waste when she and her family had crashed into a dump truck carrying chemical waste. The freak car accident had killed her father and her mother, and her younger brother. But she had survived. Unlike her parents and her sibling though, she quickly healed from her injuries, and she easily recovered. She had lived and gained superhuman "Class 10" strength, enabling her to lift (press) approximately 10 tons under optimal conditions, enhanced human durability, enhanced human regenerative durability, and the superhuman power of true, wingless flight without any apparent means of propulsion.

How was she mutated by chemical waste exposure into a superhuman being possessing various superhuman physical powers instead of dying though?

Luke Cage (born Carl Lucas) was a reluctant volunteer convict at the Seagate Federal Prison in Illinois State for a both top secret and highly illegal experiment involving both chemicals, and radiation combined in exchange for an early parole. The experiment was secretly both American corporate-sponsored, and U.S. federal government-sponsored. It was an experiment to try to make a normal, ordinary human being's body's natural healing factor become mutated into a superhumanly-fast one. None of the prisoners selected for the extremely dangerous experiment had survived the process. The experiment was accelerated to deadly levels when a racist prison guard had tried to murder Luke Cage as he was being transformed. The process only empowered Luke instead of killing him, and Cage emerged from the advanced chamber as a truly enhanced superhuman being, possessing superhuman strength, enabling him to lift (press) approximately 3 tons under optimal conditions, and superhuman durability making his body's skin just as hard as solid reinforced and tempered steel. He also successfully gained a superhumanly-fast healing factor just as well.

But why did he survive the process of the experiment when all other test subjects had died? How did he even survive the experiment being overloaded to untested levels when the corrupted prison guard had tried to assassinate him?

I believe that Daredevil, Jessica Jones, and Luke Cage are, in actuality, NuHumans. People who believed themselves to be normal, ordinary human beings but whose direct, ancient ancestors had interbred with full-blooded Inhumans thousands of years ago. This means that Matt Murdock, Jessica Jones and Carl Lucas are part-human, part-Inhuman superhuman crossbreed hybrids. They each have dormant Inhuman powers and they were activated, not by exposure to the Terrigen mist, but rather by exposure to I.G.H. I believe that I.G.H. is an acronym that stands for Inhuman Growth Hormone. I also believe that Alexandra is the one behind the invention of it.

Alexandra is probably responsible for their inadvertent transformations.

Alexandra is the one who had the chemical waste dump truck sent to the chemical waste dump that crashed and blinded Matt Murdock. The chemical waste had I.G.H. in it and that activated Daredevil's dormant Inhuman powers.

Alexandra is the one who had the chemical waste dump truck sent to the chemical waste dump that crashed and killed the Jones family, and exposed Jessica Jones to it. The chemical waste had I.G.H. in it and that activated Jessica's dormant Inhuman powers.

Luke Cage was only able to survive the experiment and even the overdose of chemicals and radiation combined because of a latent mutation in his DNA that no other test subject had, and which directly caused the benevolent results of becoming a superhuman being with superhuman strength, and steel-hard skin. That latent mutation in his DNA is his dormant Inhuman genes. The chemicals and the radiation combined in the experiment had a combination of a variation of the Super-Soldier Serum and the Vita-Ray Treatment, and Inhuman Growth Hormone.

Alexandra was the secret, "behind-the-scenes" leader of the experiment at Seagate Federal Prison. She was trying to see if she could use I.G.H. in order to try to duplicate the experiment that had created Captain America.

Alexandra also secretly led and supervised the scientific experiment that had created Nuke (Will Simpson), which is another variation of the Super-Soldier Serum, and the Vita-Ray Treatment. Although in his particular case, he is more like a failed attempt at trying to recreate the U.S. Army's Project: Rebirth, which gave Steve Rogers his enhanced human physique.

Diamondback (Willis Stryker) is going to be the next test subject of the same experiment that had given Luke Cage his powers. Since he is Luke Cage's half-brother, he theoretically has the same latent mutation in his DNA that will allow him to survive the experiment just like Luke Cage did. This potentially makes Diamondback an Inhuman, too.

Alexandra may also be the one who had secretly funded the unethical experiments that had transformed Kevin Thompson into Kilgrave. His desperate scientist parents being given Inhuman Growth Hormone by her in order to create the chemical formula that had cured him of his extremely rare, and fatal genetic condition by activating his dormant Inhuman DNA.

Alexandra is an ally of the people who had attempted to kill the Rand family out of greed, and corrupted the Rand Corporation in the process. When it turns out that Dan Rand not only survived but returns as the mystical Iron Fist in order to take back his family business, it becomes clear that it was her idea to have the Rand family killed in order to use the resources of the Rand Corporation in her experiments with I.G.H., using the Executive Board of Directors as her pawns in her master plan.

Alexandra is a normal, ordinary human being, but she is responsible for the Defenders' existence inadvertently due to her depraved machinations using I.G.H.

Inhuman Growth Hormone is not only the acronym for the name of the secret criminal organization that had helped pay for Jessica Jones' medical expenses after her exposure to chemical waste, but it is also the name of an experimental, artificially created, genetically engineered, synthetic, chemical compound formula that is still in its phase one prototype stage. It is deliberately designed to be composed partly from Inhuman DNA, which means that in order to create and manufacture it, Inhuman DNA must be used in the process, which may mean that Inhumans get murdered in the process. The point of the I.G.H. is to create an all-different, all-new, and all-powerful form of Terrigen mist without needing the Terrigen crystals. By using the DNA of Inhumans, she doesn't need the Terrigen process in order to activate the dormant Inhuman DNA in NuHumans. She can just kill several of them and mutate the the rest, for a massive profit.

This is just a theory. The Defenders may be the past coming back to haunt her. I just thought that having her inserted into the story as someone who was behind the insinuation of herself into all of the members of the Defenders' lives would be a nice way to have everything come full circle. It was also a good way to tie in the connection of the mystery of why Daredevil, Jessica Jones and Luke Cage were all able to survive direct exposure to volatile chemicals without dying, and instead becoming superhumans in the process.

The Inhuman connection. What do you think? If not that, then what?




So if not the Inhuman angle then how did they become superhumans? It was stated that Luke Cage has a mutation in his DNA and that it was that mysterious "x-factor", that unknown, random element, that made him survive Dr. Noah Berstein's experiment to give him a superhumanly-fast healing factor.

It was also that weird genetic factor in Luke Cage's body that particularly allowed him to become mutated into a superhuman being who possesses superhuman "Class 10" strength just like Spider-Man does, and skin that has the equivalent durability of steel (similar to Colossus from the X-Men, only without his body literally becoming organic steel).

Also, Jessica Jones was mutated by the same chemical waste that had mutated Daredevil. Jessica Jones became immune to Klgrave's pheromones-based mind control power. This means that just like in the comic books, Daredevil is immune to Kilgrave's power, too. Even though in the Marvel/Netflix series they had never fought each other like they did in the Daredevil comic book. But it makes sense considering that Matt Murdock and Jessica Jones were both exposed to the same radioactive chemicals.

So how do you figure that the three of them aren't Inhumans in the Marvel Cinematic Universe? Are you going to give a much more in-depth response instead of just, "No."? Or are you just being a troll who has nothing really important to say?


So if not the Inhuman angle then how did they become superhumans?

Comic book science.

Jessica Jones became immune to Klgrave's pheromones-based mind control power.

Willpower, Doctor Doom is also immune. Jessica Jones wasn't immune until she developed the willpower to be immune.

This means that just like in the comic books, Daredevil is immune to Kilgrave's power, too.

That was never established in the shows, and probably will never be as Killgrave had his neck broken (and became Matt Smith) which doesn't have to follow the comics.

Elektra for example was the child, by birth, of a Greek ambassador. Her father was killed in a hostage situation. Matt Murdock and her first met in college, and they met through, meeting. She wasn't hired to tail him or whatever. She wasn't a secret Ninja assassin in training. She was a normal, human girl who had her life change due to tragic events.

The show changed her origin as well.

But it makes sense considering that Matt Murdock and Jessica Jones were both exposed to the same radioactive chemicals.

They were not radioactive in the shows, nor did it ever say they were the same ones. Chances are the ones Jessica Jones got exposed to were trying to develop a Captain America super soldier (given that those soldiers would take some of them and gain temporary enhanced powers), but I don't remember it ever saying that.

It was never established what Daredevil was exposed to in the series.

So how do you figure that the three of them aren't Inhumans in the Marvel Cinematic Universe?

Because they were human.


It's all theoretical. But I can see that you're not a person who likes to have fun so I'm just not going to discuss this with you anymore.

Do yourself a big favor. Get that stick out of your ass. It's bad for ya.


Hypothetical, not theoretical.

Do yourself a big favor. Get that stick out of your ass. It's bad for ya.

Maybe I enjoy butt stuff.


They are not inhumans for the same reason Captain America is not a mutant. It would completely go against the lore. It would be like making Batman into a Kryptonian. Never going to happen.


Well, except for all we know Erskine turned Schmidt and Stever Rogers into a specific types of Inhumans.

Also, this:


@ A-to-ZZZ,

"It would completely go against the lore."

Yes, because Disney and Marvel Studios, when creating the Marvel Cinematic Universe, both had so much respect for the lore. (rolls eyes)

At least I tried to come up with a theory as to what the mutation in Luke Cage's DNA is that allowed him to survive the experiment that had mutated him. At least I tried to make sense out of what the mutagenic reactions to accidental exposure to both chemicals and radiation combined, that caused Daredevil and Jessica Jones to become mutated, were probably sourced from.

I even tied Alexandra to it all in a logical way that makes total sense.

My utter respect for the lore is true respect. The people who are writing the M.C.U.'s history are just creating Hollywood stories without any rational point. Things just happen because they make up whatever reason that they feel is justified for it.

Iron Man inventing Ultron in Avengers: Age Of Ultron was not respect for the lore.

The Mandarin's real identity being turned into a deception in order to trick the movie audience was not respect for the lore.

Kilgrave being changed to a British man just because David Tennant played him instead of leaving him as a Croatian man is not respect for the lore.

At least my making the hypothesis of dormant Inhuman DNA being inadvertently activated by I.G.H. due to Alexandra's experiments is superior because it not only makes complete sense, but it actually follows the narrative already being set up by the M.C.U. due to the existence of the Inhumans.

But anyway, since no one wants to entertain this idea, I'll just say whatever. We'll all find out what the truth is when the Defenders debuts on Netflix. Or maybe the writing in the Marvel Cinematic Universe won't even touch on that enigmatic and mysterious riddle? It wouldn't surprise me if they didn't. After all, they don't respect the lore.


Yes, because Disney and Marvel Studios, when creating the Marvel Cinematic Universe, both had so much respect for the lore. (rolls eyes)

For the most part they have, at least with origin stories. Some adjustments for modern times, but still similar.

Steve Rogers, a sickly young man who wants to be a soldier is injected with an experimental formula.

Iron Man, wounded in a war when he was showing off weapon designs he made. Builds a 1960s robot costume while captured by the enemy.

Daredevil, saves a man walking across the street from being hit and exposed to chemicals that blind him, but enhance other senses.

Jessica Jones, car accident.

Luke Cage, prison experiments.

Thor, a God.

Hulk, exposed to gamma radiation.

Doctor Strange, accident that renders him unable to use his hands.

Ant-Man, biggest difference (Scott Lang).

Black Widow, shadowy Russian assassin spy who has no Russian accent.

Hawkeye, suddenly no longer deaf.

Vision, created by Ultron.

Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver were the biggest changes, mainly due to copyright laws.


Ant-Man, biggest difference (Scott Lang).

I wouldn't say that. Hank Pym discovers the particle, develops the ant communication, uses it as Ant-Man, Janet becomes the Wasp. Tech-savvy gentleman burglar Scott Lang burgles the suit from Pym, becomes second Ant-Man.

Hawkeye, suddenly no longer deaf.

What? I've seen him convers with Spider-Man and Iron Man with their faces covered I don't know how many times.

Also, this:


Yeah that is true. Yellow Jacket though was a hero in the comics, right? Darren Cross was still the reason why Scott stole the suit, something about his daughter or something being kidnapped.

What? I've seen him convers with Spider-Man and Iron Man with their faces covered I don't know how many times.

Yeah, most of the writers kind of forgot that. He wears hearing aids. There is evidence that people who lose sight or hearing tend to develop their other senses, so that would help explain why he is so good with the bow, his vision improved.


Yeah that is true. Yellow Jacket though was a hero in the comics, right? Darren Cross was still the reason why Scott stole the suit, something about his daughter or something being kidnapped.

Not exactly. Pym had a mental breakdown (later revealed to be due to Ultron's tampering with his mind) and created a more violent masked identity, Yellowjacket. He's used the Yellowjacket suit and name at least once since (during Secret Invasion) and I think there was a female Yellowjacket, maybe?
Anyway, I suspect Darren Cross was a mix of that and Egghead (like in Iron Man 2 there was a mix of Whiplash and Crimson Dynamo).

Yeah, most of the writers kind of forgot that. He wears hearing aids.

Then he's not deaf. If I wear glasses I'm not blind.

Also, this:


This was the dumbest comparison I ever read.


ninja turtles paid homage to daredevil by being inundated be the same chemicals as he was.


By definition, to be Inhuman, one must satisfy two parts: 1. The human must have Kree blood in their system which altered their DNA. 2. The human must have gone through the Terrigen Mist. All of the characters you mentioned satisfy neither of the requirements. While it is a fun theory, it simply just isn't the answer.

Captain America was transformed by gamma and radiation, plus a completely man-made concoction. His will to live let him survive. Spider-Man was made by a radioactive spider bite. They are known as Enhanced Humans, not Inhumans, due to the lack of Kree/Alien blood.


First, I must say thanks for the very open-minded and understanding response. I wish more people were able to have fun on these boards instead of just look for any opportunity to try to make other people look stupid for doing so. But I guess that's probably why these message boards are being removed. There are just way too many trolls ruining the fun that should be had in here.

Second, yes, you are correct in that Inhumans are, according to their origin in Marvel Comics, the product of advanced genetic engineering by ancient Kree scientists, using a combination of human and Kree DNA. So in order for any superhuman beings to be an Inhuman in any way, whether in the comic books or in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, is for them to be NuHumans who are mainly human in nature, but who also have part-alien Kree ancestry, making them have the genes necessary for Terrigen mist exposure to activate their dormant Inhuman powers.

I blame Disney and Marvel Studios for not using Jack Kirby's explanation as to why the human race has the genes in their DNA which allow them to become superhumans. It just made more sense in the comic books. So far, the M.C.U. has yet to introduce such an intelligent sci-fi concept. It begs the question that if any of the humans who became superhumans survived the process by which they were artificially mutated, then how did their survival of the process even happen without them being, in actuality, Inhumans?

Normal, ordinary human beings do not have the ability to gain an artificially altered genetic structure, and acquire superhuman mental powers, and other superhuman physical powers from exposure to various energy sources such as cosmic energy, which is an alien form of energy, psionic energy, which is a theoretical form of mental energy, and any form of kinetic or physical energies that are within the Planet Earth's electromagnetic spectrum (such as, for example, electricity, gravity, magnetism, etc.).

So unless the writers of the Avengers movies explain that all normal, ordinary human beings have the potential to become superhuman beings due to the alien Celestials giving cave people in the Stone Age artificially created "super genes" that over thousands of years of biological evolution, and environmental adaptation, caused Homo Sapiens, in the last seven millennia, to have the capacity to become superhuman beings, then they still have yet to explain how a combination of the Super-Soldier Serum and the Vita-Ray Treatment was able to successfully transform Steve Rogers into Captain America without killing him? Or, how exposure to gamma radiation was able to tranform Dr. Bruce Banner into the Incredible Hulk without killing him?

Tony Stark is just a normal, ordinary human being who possesses the Iron Man Armor, which is extremely scientifically advanced weapons combined with highly technologically powerful paraphernalia combined in a glorified fully armored battle uniform. So his existence is not impossible and his nature is self-explanatory.

Thor and Loki are both Asgardians, so they are both alien in nature (at least, in the M.C.U.'s version of the characters' stories), and their existences as aliens are hypothetical in real life, so there isn't any need to explain their powers as they are their race's natural abilities, and since the science and the technology of their weaponry is beyond the ability for human minds to even try to comprehend, they don't need to be explained because they are advanced, alien, ancient, Asgardian "devices", "equipment", and "instruments".

Hawkeye and the Black Widow are both apparently normal, ordinary human beings who possess standard weaponry, ancient and modern, respectively. So just like Iron Man (who merely uses state-of-the-art energy weapons) they are not out of the ordinary and, for all intents and purposes in the movies, just regular people.

But characters like Captain America and the Incredible Hulk, unless otherwise stated, make no sense as to how they could even be mutated without some kind of explanation as to how humans can even be successfully mutated in the first place to begin with.

But still, thanks for responding in a very understanding way. I wish that more people were like you in the IMDb. Maybe if there were, this website would have been a much better place and the message boards would not be going away.
