MovieChat Forums > Victoria (2015) Discussion > Will Victoria keep all the money?

Will Victoria keep all the money?

Or do you think she'll find a way to contact the blonde guy and give him the 10 grand he is expecting?

If I were her I'd be more afraid of him and his goons tracking me down, rather than the cops, who really don't even know how I look.

Or do you think she'll just leave town with it all and hope for a clean getaway?


she'd probably try to run, as she has done from madrid after failing at the piano...

whatever the case interpol will definitely find her, the hotel receptionist knows what she looks like, her work place will expect her to return and put 2 + 2 together and realise it was her in the bank getaway car...especially seeing as the baby was left in the cafe so the police would enquire anyway.


Yes Interpol will get her, if she runs then she doesn't stand much of a chance. She has been seen up close by several different people during the evening. And was most likely caught on camera while she was behind the wheel.


The hotel lobby would 100% have video surveillance cameras. From that the Police will have her face and will track her down. Also, does Berlin not have street surveillance cameras? I thought most major cities did these days. With street surveillance they could track where she went.


Considering that she was probably illegal in Berlin (since she worked for just 4 euro per hour it's safe to assume that she was illegal there since that is a huge amount under the official minimum wage in Germany) it could be that no one knew her full name. If she fled let's say by train straight back to Spain she wouldn't be that easy to track down, even for Interpol.


FWIW, If she's from Madrid (and Spanish) than she's not illegal in Berlin.


I realize that shes' from Madrid and Spanish but I should have explained myself better, I meant that her JOB was illegal (not she since she's from the EU but her job). That she was working 'in black', with her employer paying no taxes, that's what I meant, that her job was not officially registered so there would be no official trace to her there.
Since she worked for just 4 euro per hour, which is normally impossible, it's obvious that her boss was a crook who didn't pay taxes since it's far below the minimum wage.


She will not keep the money. She will be caught. Not only is there the likelihood of cameras in the hotel and the desk clerk being able to id her, there's the little fact that the car used in the heist was stolen right across the street from the cafe, the cafe which she was supposed to open at 7am but never showed up, and has vomit (DNA) from the guy found by the police passed out in the stolen car. Obvious connections will be made.

This movie has so many plot holes. Guy's best friends are bailing on him but she's like "No, I will be your bank heist wheelman scary Voldemort guy I just met a couple of hours ago." Or how about she calls for an ambulance and ten minutes later there's still no sign of it. Not even sirens in the distance. Is that how they work in Germany? "I need an ambulance so whenever you get a moment come on over?"

I cannot believe this crap is so highly rated. IMDB ratings are truly garbage.


The fact that she willingly became the getaway driver is not a "plot hole". It's been implied throughout the film that Victoria suffered from the "Illusion of Grandeur", who thought she could be someone extraordinary when she's actually very mediocre, and that she lacked self-control, dancing until 4am when she's supposed to start working at 7. These characteristics led her to make the rash and irrational decisions. All these things have been thoroughly discussed with the filmmakers, I suggest you look them up online.

Also, when calling the hotel staff to call for the ambulance, Victoria didn't specify what happened. She just said she needed the ambulance right now. If you dial a 911 / 999 for emergency, you need to state what's the emergency in order for the dispatcher to respond accordingly, unless the caller sounds like his/her life is in danger. You know how many prank calls the emergency number gets?

I think you should give this film some more thought and research a bit on some of the things you labelled as "plot holes".
