Tobey Mcquire

He will not be happy at all this being made into a movie. This is really gonna damage his reputation even more than the book if the script includes the "bark like a seal" scene and more scenes that shows off his scroogeness!


I guess it will be it the film as it was a key scene in the book which was a catalyst that made Molly move to New York if I remember correctly. Kevin Cosner has praised the script saying it is one of the best he has read and that Aaron Sorkin is doing a good job with the film.


It’s been made and it looks pretty damn slick.

And the former Spider-Man has always appeared like he has issues other than being a scrooge anyway, so screw him. 😄


The "bark like a seal" incident is not in the film.


had no idea who mister x was till I came here. I feel like I read a novel after watching , i'm a hour into the movie, making popcorn.


You don't know which one he is though.


Why do people assume it's Maguire?


It was either him, Affleck or DiCaprio but Maguire was the one who frequented the games the most apparently.


I never read the book but just googled and apparently he was named in the book.

