MovieChat Forums > The Birth of a Nation (2016) Discussion > Actually, all the racism on this board i...

Actually, all the racism on this board is being aimed at whites.

Thread after thread after thread of "white people this, white people that". 12 years a slave is rated very highly on imdb, and it's a movie with the same themes as this one. So....


Because this movie was sabatoged by Nate Parker's past, a crime he was aquitted of like 17-18 years ago. Yet white people always tell blacks that they live in the past. You people are hypocrites and always try to find a way demonize black people to cover up your evil sinister agendas.


"You people"

"That's racist!"


Jenk, I'll give you some free advice. You're an imbecile. A twat. And a moron. Good day.


Call me what you like, but you're not calling me a liar so what I said must be %100 TRUE. Glad YOU PEOPLE agree with me. Lol
