MovieChat Forums > The Birth of a Nation (2016) Discussion > Europe did not have slaves in 1860s. Ame...

Europe did not have slaves in 1860s. America is a creepy country

America is a creepy country. Europe did not have slaves in 1860s, they figured out that slavery is horrible way before Americans. I guess America got the bigots of Europe


America is a creepy country. Europe did not have slaves in 1860s, they figured out that slavery is horrible way before Americans. I guess America got the bigots of Europe

The Holocaust



Germany isn't Europe moron in fact Hitler attacked almost every European country they were mainly his enemies


Yea, and they had the feudal system long before any other civilizations where a king and a few wealthy land owners who were his wealthy friends pretty much owned everything, and pretty much everyone else was a slave to land they had to "rent". This concept was not invented by "Americans"....but by Europeans themselves, which they kept for like, centuries, longer than slavery ever lasted in America.


World War I
World War II


Africa has slaves RIGHT NOW!


Slavery was practiced in Saudi Arabia and Angola until the 1960's, not to mention 36 million people are living in slavery RIGHT NOW.



Well, America is in a good company with Saudi Arabia and Angola. Congratulations!

America is a country of greedy, shameless people who would enslave people to make profit.

America steals from developing countries.


America is a country

Are you American? Do you even live in the US? Are you bIack? If you really want to see human rights abuses (including slavery right up to present day), take a look at China, North Korea, and the Middle East. And if you really want to see prejudice against bIacks, check out China. American bIacks are easily the most coddled group in modern history. They've enjoyed generational welfare for a half century, social programs upon social programs, affirmative action, and all forms of assistance for higher education, and STILL they manage to be the biggest screwups and most self-entitled people on Earth.



America is a disgusting country. You murdered a million Iraqis, half a million vietnamese, ten million native americans, half a million koreans and the list goes on.

George Bush is a war criminal and he will be tried for his crimes against humanity.


America is a disgusting country. You murdered a million Iraqis, half a million vietnamese, ten million native americans, half a million koreans and the list goes on.

Hey guess what? The US gave out $31 Billion dollars in foreign aid last year which was almost double what the 2nd highest country gave. Is your sh!tty country even in the top 10? And your numbers are way inflated. According to iraqbodycount, the official number is about 200,000, not a million. As for the Vietnam *war*, the official number isn't higher than about 300,000. And as for Korea, the total killed is around 200,000 but let's not forget that was a war and almost 37,000 Americans were killed.



Wow, money = millions of lives? Are you a cannibal? Money cannot get those millions of lives back.

Would you trade your mother's life for 10 million dollars?


Wow, you're pretty dim, huh? Saying "America is a disgusting country" isn't entirely true based on the humanitarian aid America gives forth. Most if not all industrialized nations are guilty of atrocities, so excuse me for not busting a tear over what America does, and no that doesn't mean I think it's ok, it's just sh!t that happens. And keep in mind that RIGHT NOW, 36 million people are living as slaves and America has nothing to do with it.



Your bigotry is showing, bigot. America is the biggest terrorist in the world. America destroyed dozens of countries and killed millions of people.

No amount of money can wipe off the blood from America's hands.


Saying "America is a disgusting country" isn't entirely true

you're saying that it is somewhat true, then?


"Please disabuse yourself of the notion that my purpose on earth is to tuck ignorance in at night."


I'm saying what I'm saying, numnuts.

"Most if not all industrialized nations are guilty of atrocities"

Get a real problem.




I'm saying what I'm saying, numnuts.

LOL, thanks for admitting that america is horrible, in some aspects.

that's all you needed to say.

"Please disabuse yourself of the notion that my purpose on earth is to tuck ignorance in at night."


Geezus, you're a tedious bore.



Well not every American supported such things... in fact half the country did/does not which is why we had to have a civil war over it. I am sorry if half of America is dumb and racist but...not ALL of it is.




Does the Arab Slave Trade bother you at all?
They did it for 1400 years.


Does the Arab Slave Trade bother you at all?
They did it for 1400 years.

does it bother you? that's the better question.

"Please disabuse yourself of the notion that my purpose on earth is to tuck ignorance in at night."


Obvious double standards bother me.


Obvious double standards bother me.

this thread has more posts than yours does.

is that an obvious double standard?

"Please disabuse yourself of the notion that my purpose on earth is to tuck ignorance in at night."


Of course it bothers me.

America must repent, otherwise it will be always a monster country that murders people in other countries.


Romania and other Central European countries enslaved the gypsies that were of Indian descent in that era. Yes, it existed. What I will say is that America is just a lot more screwed up than Europe.


They did not have slaves but they did colonize most of the world during this period. Tens of millions were killed in the Congo while it was occupied by Belgium.

Europe really has no place lecturing Americans about slavery during this time.


And many more native Americans were killed by American soldiers in America millions more to be exact
