MovieChat Forums > The Birth of a Nation (2016) Discussion > The most disturbing scene for me

The most disturbing scene for me

That was the chained slave in the shed having his teeth chiselled off and then being force-fed semi-solid food through an oversized funnel. Is that why they removed his teeth, BTW?

Why are you here if you haven't seen the movie yet?


For me as well this was the most disturbing scene.

It was the way the white guy went about it.

A solution to a problem and nothing else.

I would never have thought that such a thing would have been done.

Makes you wonder what else happened that we are not aware of.


For me, the most disturbing scene was the whole film.
Thinking that only 185 years ago that was possible, is overwhelming.


Then you might want to be very careful not to google "Jasper, TX lynching".

No man lies so boldly as the man who is indignant.



Thank you, I've done it.
Being a caucasian portuguese male living in Portugal as "retornado" i.e. those who were in Mozambique and after 1974 were expelled I fully understand that world.
Off topic the film deserves an Oscar and the actor another one.


Two points.

I was trying to point out that such brutality is still not even close to being relegated to the dusty pages of history in America. As per the Jasper example, not even 20 years ago. Much less the 185 years ago you quoted. Yet, it is what the vast majority of people believe.

Second, I must admit that I am unfamiliar with the term and history of "retornado". Nonetheless, while there are unquestionably, strong similarities in all forms of racial discrimination, the US sadly has a very, very unique history regarding such issues. Ironically, not because of the 200-year horror that was American chattel slavery. But much more-so, because of the 100-year period of legalized and nationwide racial segregation that immediately followed that slavery, called "Jim Crow". The inconceivably tangled legacy of lies and deceits that sustained the enormous web of immorality that was institutionalized racial segregation is still reverberating enormously (and still quite violently) throughout present day America. So much so, that the vast majority of current-day Americans themselves have a very minimal "understanding of that world". Resulting in a vast majority of the comments on a board like this being either (mostly unconscious) lies in defense of that same legacy I mentioned, or simply knee-jerk emotional reactions, with almost no basis in actual, documented, empirical information. So, being non-American, I would strongly caution you to take what you read on a board like this with a huge grain of salt, and not necessarily take any of it as proof of almost anything. Even when it's something that's seemingly repeated over and over again -- as most of the ugliest comments here are.

So... Welcome to American Racism 101! Lesson number one: The more you study it the less sense it makes! LOLOL

Best wishes.

No man lies so boldly as the man who is indignant.


Yes I agree. It's sad I had to get through 3 pages of mostly troll posts to get to someone else effected by that scene! No wonder they're shutting these boards down in a week.

Anyway, yes. Terrifying scene.
