MovieChat Forums > Anthropoid (2016) Discussion > Protecting Canaris: Possible Motivation ...

Protecting Canaris: Possible Motivation for Heydrich Assassination.

A book speculates that one motivation for the Heydrich assassination may have been an effort to protect Canaris, a high ranking German officer who was a double agent.

Book review at link below:


That's an interesting angle about which I'd never heard anything before. Thanks for the recommendation!



Just got to that part in the Canaris book, and while author concludes that Operation Anthropoid was an SOE (Special Operations Executive- military intelligence/sabotage), not SIS (i.e. MI-6 aka the James Bond folks)inspired plan; he does mention that when the local Czech resistance requested that Anthropoid be cancelled, Sir Stuart Menzies (aka "C" the head os SIS/MI-6)got involved in moving the plan forward.
For what it's worth, the excellent (vintage B&W- and on youtube w/ English subtitles) Czech movie "Attentat" describing these events, features the Canaris/Heydrich rivalry.


I didn't know Admiral Wilhelm Canaris had any connection with this event.

If I've never seen it before, it's a new release to me!


Yeah, Canaris was finally executed.


There is also speculation that he survived the assassination attempt and was killed while in hospital by his Nazi compatriots.
