Hard to hear

Did anyone have a problem hearing and understanding what they were saying? Sub titles would have been nice.




Czech( English) accent is difficult to understand.


And unnecessary. Since all the main characters were Czech and the Germans spoke untranslated German, why add the accents as if we couldn't understand that they were Czechs without it? Having to strain at the accents was the only major flaw in a gripping film.


Yes, I am glad I wasn't the only person who had trouble hearing. Totally unnecessary to the plot. Moviegoers are willing to suspend belief on accents but unwilling to tolerate bad sound. Just let the characters speak clearly in English!


You do realize that most of the secondary characters were czech and they, well, can't speak in an english accent? It borthered me too, i agree, but it's really difficult to speak english without an accent if you're not a native speaker.


Jamie Dornan who played one of the lead Czech charcters kept slipping into his native Irish accent which was distracting. I also had trouble hearing in some parts because the audio would fade in and out. The sound engineer did a terrible job or maybe its from listening to ac/dc at full volume when I was a young bud.


Yes! Hate when that happens.

Same Rules Apply


Yes, me too.

"Please, if you are trying to convert me, this isn't a good time"



Yes, I did... even on the DVD. I had to put the subtitles on and practically turn the volume up to full blast.


Yes, but it wasn't the accents. It was poor audio quality. It sounded kind of muffled.


Yes the sound was poor and not helped by silly accents.Speak in English or cast Czech/Slovak actors as the leads.
