OT: All this anti-bullying stuff ...
What Simon he did to Gordo was kind of messed up but still, Gordo was such a little bitch about it.
Are we really suppose to feel bad for that loser.
What about poor Simon.
I really felt bad for him. I can relate to him a little more.
Now granted I tormented a lot of people in High School.
A lot, a lot.
Yes I was a bully, so what. Look someone had to do it and I had an aptitude for that kind of work.
And for the record, my people and I prefer the term abusive Americans. The term Bully is offensive.
And I wasn't a part of any of this new fangled cyber bullying.
I bullied people face to face.
The way God intended bullying to be done.
And yes sometimes I do feel a little bad about the stuff I did. Some of it. Now that I am older I realize that I maybe went to far sometimes in trying to get a laugh.
But at the same time, the people I tormented, it made them stronger and tougher and more adept at dealing with the problems of life. I mean, I assume it did.
My point is with all this anti bullying, anti this, anti that nonsense what are we really teaching the youth of America.
I'v been out of school for some time, thank Christ, but I have a niece and nephew in high school and the stories they tell me... just ... Jesus. A kid looks at another kid funny and the parents want to make a federal case out of it.
Of course bullying can go to far and the school should try to curb it but still, it seems like they are going overboard.
Again what are we teaching the next generation. Are we really helping them. When I was young, I was taught if someone picks on you, you either fight back or you brush it off and accept it. You know roll with it.
Now were teaching kids that if anyone ever does or says something you don't like, its okay to completely break down.
Having people *beep* with you and saying things you don't like and learning the proper way to react to it, is a big part of growing up.
But people are trying to so hard to shelter their kids from anything even remotely unpleasant. They are not preparing them for life at all.
And this movie seems to support that.
Like "oh my God, Jason Bateman was mean to someone in school. He's worse than Hitler. He's like 4 Hitlers."
I don't like it, whose with me.
i told you not to stop the boat. Now lets go. Apocaylpse Now