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Looking for movies like this where the odds are against the soldiers, e.g Black Hawk Down, Lone survivor etc. Any recommendations?
shareLooking for movies like this where the odds are against the soldiers, e.g Black Hawk Down, Lone survivor etc. Any recommendations?
shareWe Werw Soldiers
The Lost Battalion
Fury (the ending mostly)
Also Kajaki (Kilo Two Bravo), there's not much action or shooting going around, but it's pretty intense.
Dorothy Mantooth is a saint!
"We Were Soldiers" was an unbelievable movie and one that follows the book very well.
I think it's a movie everyone should see to show HOW things were supposed to be before Washington screwed everything up.
The same harrowing feelings are there but in Mel Gibson's movie, your talking about everyone knowing before hand where the lines are drawn. It's what happened during all of the fire fights that made you on edge every moment.
But in 13 Hours as well as many of the movies coming around lately where there is close combat in cities or streets there are no lines drawn.
Who's good, who's not?
Good post olioz!
Tears of the sun
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