No, there just are not enough Marine Security Guards to go around. Some Embassies don't even have them, let alone part time, out of the way satellite consulates. Although in hindsight, clearly this one should have had a bit more UH in its Rah.
If a day does not require an AK, it is good Ice Cube Warrior Poet
No, there just are not enough Marine Security Guards to go around.
Where did you come up with the statement that there isn't enough Marines to go around the World just out of curiosity?
Marine Corps Embassy Security Group is said to be battalion size but is actually as big as a Regiment even though prior to Obama's 2013 Defense Authorization Act there were around 1,200 MSGs and now there more than 2,450. I have no doubt that both the Department of Defence and State Department do a thorough and continuously updated risk management report and protocols especially in "hot spot" countries and work out how many MSGs are required at an US Embassy/Consulate at any one time.
President Barack Obama authorized the addition of 1,000 MSGs as part of the 2013 Defense Authorization Act, which is expected to increase the number of MSGs to approximately 2,450 at more than 150 MSG detachments worldwide by 2016.
Prior to Obama's Act in 2013 there were over 1200 MSGs however the DoD and State Department have deemed it necessary to provide more Guards in the order of over 1,000
The MSGs are there to protect and possibly destroy classified and other items like encrypting computers and data. The MSGs while on duty are not allowed outside the US Embassy or Consulates walls that is left to the Diplomatic Security Service who would provide Close Proximity Protection of high ranking US Diplomats and the US Ambassador to a certain country steps out of the wire aka leaves the Embassy walls (which is technically American soil).
However in a safe county like mine (Australia) they have their own multi million dollar house (in the second richest suburb) which has everything from a pool, gym, volleyball court on front lawn etc. It is basically a massive bachelor pad whereby they can travel all around Canberra in their time when off duty.
This article will show you why the Marine Security Guards:
Don't Blame the Marines: Here's Who is Supposed to Protect U.S. Diplomats
Marine Security Guards: Contrary to popular belief, Marines aren't really stationed at embassies or consulates to protect diplomats. They are there primarily to protect secret information—embassy buildings often process classified information, and many host CIA personnel as well. Marines are there to protect—and if necessary destroy—any classified information so it doesn't fall into enemy hands. Foreign officers are told in their initial training not to think of the Marines as their personal bodyguards in case of an attack.
The Marine Corps itself makes this clear: "The primary mission of the Marine Security Guard (MSG) is to provide internal security at designated U.S. diplomatic and consular facilities in order to prevent the compromise of classified material vital to the national security of the United States."
That said, the Marines can and do provide security in case the embassy is attacked and other security measures fail. "The MSGs' mission is to delay any hostile group long enough to destroy classified material and aid in safeguarding the lives of diplomatic personnel," according to the State Department.
Marine Security Guards: Contrary to popular belief, Marines aren't really stationed at embassies or consulates to protect diplomats. They are there primarily to protect secret information—embassy buildings often process classified information, and many host CIA personnel as well. Marines are there to protect—and if necessary destroy—any classified information so it doesn't fall into enemy hands. Foreign officers are told in their initial training not to think of the Marines as their personal bodyguards in case of an attack.
The Marine Corps itself makes this clear: "The primary mission of the Marine Security Guard (MSG) is to provide internal security at designated U.S. diplomatic and consular facilities in order to prevent the compromise of classified material vital to the national security of the United States."
Diplomatic Security: Diplomatic Security Officers are members of the Foreign Service, designated as "specialists." Although Diplomatic Security officers are law enforcement special agents, their role is more of a management one when it comes to protecting the embassy and its staff—they work with the host country to provide security. Diplomatic Security also has other responsibilities, ranging from investigating visa fraud to screening potential local employees interested in working for the embassy.
Private Security Contractors: Although the host country is responsible for maintaining security outside the embassy, the U.S. State Department will typically employ private guards at the perimeter. Those guards are often residents of the country, or third-country nationals, who are responsible for initial screening measures such as checking cars for weapons or bombs. The State Department also employs companies to provide highly trained protective security details to diplomats. "Diplomats will often have private security details that are ex-military, such as former SEALs," says Doug Brooks, president of the International Stability Operations Association (ISOA), a group representing private contractors.
Technically the MSGs at the Embassy could have legally shot any of the "students" who climbed over the wall but that would be suicide. So they used non-lethal weapons such as tear gas but they were going to be over run regardless if the Marines started to lit them up. Had they killed and/or shot an Iranian "student" he probably would have been tortured and killed slowly by the sadistic Revolutionary Guards.
If you saw the movie Argo when angry young "students" stormed the US Embassy in Iran the Embassy employees initiated a plan that would have a code to it in order to start destroying ALL classified documents which back in that day would have been a paper shredder/insinuator lol.
It has obviously changed A LOT since 1979 with the use of computers (encryption) and the US Embassy bombings in 1998 of Tanzania and Kenya. The Homeland episode 13 Hours in Islamabad shows a glimpse of what MIGHT happen if an US Embassy was to go into Lockdown of different levels.
If you are not willing to give up everything, you have already lost reply share
Where did you come up with the statement that there isn't enough Marines to go around the World just out of curiosity?
Because there aren't. There are 272 US Embassies, let alone consulates, only 174 have MSG's. When you consider that virtually no unit is ever at 100% authorized strength, the need for 24/7/365 coverage, and that some embassies are larger then others those 2450 MSG's don't go as far as you'd think.
If a day does not require an AK, it is good Ice Cube Warrior Poet
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They aren't posted to places that don't handle classified information - see above. Not every Embassy/Consulate handles classified. PLUS, Benghazi was not a Consulate - no consular work was done there, there was no Consul General, etc. It was a "special diplomatic facility," which has no "official" status in diplomacy.
If more Marines were needed, they would be obtained. State pays the bulk of the money to train and maintain MSGs, so it's not much skin off the USMCs nose to create a few more billets.
Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will teach you to keep your mouth shut.
If marines were needed they'd be obtained? You must not be a veteran. I was Army for ten years throughout OIF & OEF and I can tell you that regardless of branch or position, we are always under strength.
I am a veteran (if you want my full CV, look around through some of my other posts). And yes, everyone is always understrength. However, the number of MSGs is completely insignificant compared to the whole of the military and (as I explained), State basically pays for them. If they needed more, they would update their MOE with the Corps, and create more billets. However, no one currently believes that they DO need more, so none are going to be created.
Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will teach you to keep your mouth shut.