illogical especially for military

I enjoyed the movie overall but two parts were key to my "wow this is freaking stupid" reactions.

1) in the bathroom, the Ambassador may not have been very smart on his feet but the other two guys should've been at least mildly inclusive of common sense - knowing that the bad guys were pouring diesel fuel and fire was to ensue, they should've stuffed towels under the door from the get go.

2) this really put me off. At the Annex while everyone's on the roof watching the bad guys encroach though the 'backyard' with AKs and RPGs slung, some in hand, and they keep holding off for the sole reason that they might be friendlies? Ridiculous and laughable. If friendlies, they'd go to the front gate not creep up through 'Zombieland.' Then finally they get within range to toss grenades over the walls when they should've been, by anyone with an iota of common sense in their heads, shot down way back when they were in the open and not within grenadine range. Don't wanna "kill a kid"? Leg shots.



For your second point, i think that scene was partly to display how messed up the situation was. But don't blame bad writing or the guys on the roof. Blame the rules of engagement. Surprised any of those guys survived that.


by jdring2007 ยป Sat Oct 22 2016 23:17:15
I enjoyed the movie overall but two parts were key to my "wow this is freaking stupid" reactions.

1) in the bathroom, the Ambassador may not have been very smart on his feet but the other two guys should've been at least mildly inclusive of common sense - knowing that the bad guys were pouring diesel fuel and fire was to ensue, they should've stuffed towels under the door from the get go.

umm, easy to armchair quarter back there, guy. Maybe we should have put you in charge. Good thing Killary is no longer in power.

POINT 2, oye - get some life experience, dude.


Yah "killery"as you've learned from AM hate radio ( sick of you nincompoops repeating terms you hear) There are a whole bunch of people ahead of her in the "blame line". Besides that fool was urged to LEAVE! All the other countries staff had left.


Sure, blame the dead guy who cannot defend himself. He was under the (mistaken) impression that the State Dept, headed by his friend HRC, would protect him and the compound. You can argue with everyone here as much as you like, but the buck stops with HRC and Obama. Of course, let's not forget their talking point about a movie and "what difference, at this point does it make".

