I'm from New Zealand and although America do a lot of stupid things and have some ridiculous social issues, I'd really rather them as the controlling super power in the world than an Islamic or Chinese super power.
Regardless of what people say, America are generally the 'good guys' or if some people want to put it 'the lesser of two evils'.
I've often felt myself as been some what liberal, but I'm beginning to realize there's no fighting Islamic extremists by being one. These people want to destroy the 'West'/non-believers, it's in the Quran 'And kill them wherever you find them, and turn them out from where they have turned you out'. - Quran (2:191-193)
I'm Australian and I'm 100% with the U.S. too. I could not be more appreciative for what they have done for the world. They act like the big brother to countries that can't protect themselves. Sure not everything has worked out perfectly but I believe everything they have done has been with the intention of the greater good of the world. Long may they be the world superpower protector of what is right
I'm an Albanian immigrant living in the United States and I completely agree. We don't want to picture a world without the United States. It's one of those things people take for granted. Yes, we obviously want to protect our assets and push our political agenda, but we are in fact the lesser evil. If America wasn't the super power that it is today, then who would be? What would the world look like if the U.S wasn't involved in WWII?
That is *beep* We have a world's policeman already and it's called United Nations. The United States have proven more than enough in the past, that they do not care about rogue states. The only thing they care about is American interests. From a historical point of view the United States is an empire and the only interest of an empire is keeping its power or increasing it. Every other country is simply not important, even the European Union has to fall, if it would be in the interest of the American government. The biggest issues these days were caused by actions of the United States in first place.
How about you read some Brzezinski ? It might open your eyes.
hat is *beep* We have a world's policeman already and it's called United Nations.
Hah good laugh there! The UN can't do anything with having to beg/borrow/hire 'muscle' to do the job.
And anyway, what sort of person are you to say a bunch of petty un elected bureaucrats have influence over YOUR country? That basically means you're OK with those kepto criminals saying "YOUR COUNTRY'S LAWS" don't matter, only their say so does.
Why can't you wretched prey creatures understand that the Universe doesn't owe you anything!? reply share
I can also visit the UN if i wanted to. I prefer an internationally controlled global force that is bound by rules, than an American, that noone controls except the empire and that does what it wants.
As i said, every single military conflict we currently have on this earth was caused by US military interventions or foreign policy. The US military is a tool for their government to enforce American interests, which obviously are not the interests of our world. The UN is far from perfect, but it is bound to Humen rights and public international law.
The UN is far from perfect, but it is bound to Humen rights and public international law.
Yeah, except for their tendency towards corruption, graft & sex crimes. Anyway...you go ahead & go to the UN if you think they are doing something 'wrong' & try to find the guy who's willing to be responsible for it.
Tell me how it goes. I tell you--LOCAL works better;
Why can't you wretched prey creatures understand that the Universe doesn't owe you anything!? reply share
except for their tendency towards corruption, graft & sex crimes.
How is that different from any national force ? As i said, they are far from perfect, but they are still bound to international law, which means they are not allowed to intervene, if it is not for the solely purpose of a peace keeping operation. They will not go to war, because the elected president of a country changed his mind and now wants to start selling oil for Euro instead of Dollar. They will not go to war to secure a countries geographic position to use it against Russia or China. They do not kill 42 civilians in each drone strike. Nobody should appreciate what America does, because they are the cause of all this misery, destruction and terror.
reply share
That's the problem...they don't HAVE a force of their own, and many times their leadership doesn't have the backbone to do anything; What was it that Canadian officer said about Rwanda? The UN could have headed off the genocide but their higher ups were too busy trying not to offend, not to make waves, not to take action.
Any way...like I said, the UN can't do anything because it lacks an enforcement arm. Cheese, how old are you any way?
Why can't you wretched prey creatures understand that the Universe doesn't owe you anything!?
The have a force of their own. These are soldiers from every country that is part of the United Nations. This is also not about backbone or courage, but because of the fact, that even the UN is lead by different interests, especially by the 5 Veto countries.
The problem that we have now is, that back in 2011 Russia and China gave their 'Go' for a UN mandate, that allows an intervention in Libya, provided that every participant will mind international laws and not destroy the country. This did not happen, the country is now a Failed State, the US, GB and France broke their promise and this is why in Syria Russia and China were putting in their veto.
But still, i would rather have a UN that gets blocked by veto, than national forces, especially the ones of the US, that are uncontrollable by the international community. Because as i said, every conflict we currently have is a product of American foreign policy and war. We would not have ISIS, if there was no Iraq war. We would not have had 2 Iraq wars, if the US were not financing Saddam and building up his forces to fight Iran. Even Iran would not have been a problem, if there was no Operation Ajax and the CIA and MI6 did not coup primeminister Mossadegh.
I dont know what my age would matter or change, but ill tell you anyway. I am 22.
Even Iran would not have been a problem, if there was no Operation Ajax and the CIA and MI6 did not coup primeminister Mossadegh.
Ah you're still a kid & probably still in school;
As for Mossie--he was a great democrat but only when he was running for office. Didn't he try to pull a 'Bhutto'? IE: He tried to 'bump off' more popular opponents? And when an election wasn't going his way he called it off & declared himself the winner?
Why can't you wretched prey creatures understand that the Universe doesn't owe you anything!? reply share
I would not call myself a kid anymore with 22. However you are right, i am currently doing my master in IISM, so technically i still go to "school". However i do not see how that would have an negative influence on my expertise regarding history and politics. May i ask how old you are ?
No, he did not 'bump off' more popular opponents. He even left politics because back then it was fobidden to candidate, if you have two citizenships. He was one of the most democratic candidates in Middle East at that time. Was raised up internationally, studied in France, he was very progressive for that time. Probably too progressive, because he wanted to sell oil below the market price and to every country, including Eastern bloc. After the coup national oil resources got privatized and sold to Exxon Mobil and BP. This coup and the following years in Iran until shah Pahlavi lead to the islamic revolution in 1979 under Chomeini.
I mean we can talk the whole day about coups and military coups that got initiated by America. We can also talk about Operation Cyclone and the origin of Al-qaida, or Operation Northwoods, where the US actually wanted to plant bombs in their own cities or blow up a plane with students to blame Cuba. Or we can talk about how they made a coup against the democratic elected president of Chile Salvador Allende and replaced him with Augusto Pinochet who deployed a military dictatorship. Remember when bin Laden was Americas best friend ? Saddam and Gaddafi were also very good friends of the US. Saddam was a friend as long as he attacked Iran and Gaddafi until he wanted to sell his oil for Euro, went back to the gold standard and started an energy revolution in his country. People seem to forget that Libya was the most progressive country of the African continent. It was the only African country with a positive financial position, education and water were Human rights, and women were actually allowed to study. Now it is a safe haven for the Islamic state, the government is not accepted by the majority of people and they have no power.
A lot of people around the world do appreciate of what AmericaNS have done (especially with their NGOs, charity works, and anthropologists - not to mention their musics, arts, science, inventions and entrepreneurship)... but, NOT more people appreciate what America (or its government) has done because... it's simple: whatever goods we've done were usually not our real intentions, but instead just the by-products of our hypocritical and selfish actions.
We're an empire operating within our own interests (power and wealth) at heart. We have a stranglehold over the world militarily with over 800 military installations (overtly with unknown number covertly) and economically with biased financial institutions such as the IMF, World Bank and WTO.
We dictate to other nations what we want, and if it happens that our accomplished goals created some goods unintentionally then we would proudly take credit for them, but if not... then we always declare we did it in the name of National Interests, in the name of Freedom, in the name of Democracy... and as the last resort... in the name of National Security(!).
Our leaders and politicians see ourselves (and operate) with the twisted belief of "American Exceptionalism", and just by that fact alone... NOT more people around the world would appreciate what we've done.