First off. Hats off to you veterans!!! For putting your lives on the line so goofs like me can sit on my couch in parents basement and ask dumbass questions!!!
Truly thank you for your amazing service.
Can you please comment on the combat scenes in this film. I mean they filmed this Malta! Did it bring you back or did you laugh?
I was in the army and I did few deployments to Iraq. After a few times of taking fire--heavy fire--you get a general idea of a person's mettle. Some can hack it, some...not so much.
These guys were contractors. Ex soldiers that went looking for a fight for pay. That tells you a lot about their capacity to keep it together in "the shlt." Those companies pay extremely well too.
Crash dummy, thank you for your service to our country!!!! The days when Americans respected the selfless service our military provides are long behind us and it is sad. My family and I are very grateful for all that you and your service brothers have done, and continue to do!!
Crash dummy, thank you for your service to our country!!!! The days when Americans respected the selfless service our military provides are long behind us and it is sad. My family and I are very grateful for all that you and your service brothers have done, and continue to do!!
Ma'am, you never have to thank me. I love you because you are you. Regardless of your political beliefs or views on the military. Please, just remember one thing: we follow orders---we don't dictate foreign policy.
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Minus some of the RPGs theatrics fairly realistic. Watching it I knew that there would some Hollywood and Bayisms in there. But otherwise a good portrayal of a close quarters fire fight.
I've spent a few years playing in the sand and will be heading back again soon.
Wow!!! I did the the RPG's were potentially exagerrated. Awesome post! :) Thank you so much for your insight. I wish you the very best for a safe return. We are in your debt for your service sir!
I have been a military wife of 22 years to an awesome Army man that has seen 7 combat deployments with 2 Bronze Stars. During the early years of his career we would watch war movies together and he would explain to me what was real, what wasn't, what certain things sounded like, felt like, smelled like. Now I don't get that anymore. He medically retired 2 years ago and stopped watching war movies with me oh about 7 or so years ago. Says they are too much of a reality. Reality he has a hard time dealing with daily without having to watch movies to remind him. It's sad. At one point my husband started the early retirement process and started training with Blackwater...for those of you that know who they were. 4 months into training he did a 180 and quit BW and stayed in the Army....which ended up being a good thing considering awhile later BW ended up in hot water. But I never knew why and I doubt I ebmver will. I still love watching war movies with WW II being my favorite but I did like this one. American Sniper hit too close to home and I cried the entire time as I know the anguish of a soldier going through PTSD...I live with it daily. Don't call yourself a dumbass just for being curious how close to real the movies are. I, for one, think it's ok to ask. Someone will answer, others will not....only because it's a daily struggle. Just continue to show your pride for what these exceptional men and women have done for us and for our country...they had the courage that I know I didn't have.