MovieChat Forums > 13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi (2016) Discussion > Is everyone convinced the chain of event...

Is everyone convinced the chain of events is accurate?

We are dealing with the CIA version of events here. Anyone have any other information?


Yes. I'm sure the CIA didn't want this out as the film was highly critical of them.


The CIA station chief was definitely portrayed as a toolbag with a few redeeming features, i.e. - he did not 100% crack up under the stress of the situation and eventually provided some actual leadership.

Then again, the CIA GRS did seem to save the day, despite the administrations best efforts to not support their fellow Americans. So in some ways the CIA did good.

My understanding is that they kind of went "soft" on the administration, but I also like that they are not trying to remind us the all the mistakes all the time and simply telling the story as best as possible... also

IF true, I am very happy Killary was never President. We would prob get BlackHawk Down part 4 (I consider this BHD part 3).,+Libya/to/Benghazi,+Libya


why does everyone call her Killary? Who has she killed? The GW Bush apparatus was responsible for more deaths. They didnt get half the hassle she gets.


Calling her Killary is silly, but the fact is she has supported every opportunity for war offered to her. As a Senator, she supported the invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan. As SecState, she endorsed attacks on Libya and Syria, and bombing or direct military actions in Yemen, Pakistan and Somalia. She's at least as hawkish as George W. Bush.

 Entropy ain't what it used to be.


what was part 2?
