MovieChat Forums > Don't Breathe (2016) Discussion > Almost gave this Movie my $$$ until one ...

Almost gave this Movie my $$$ until one of the stars opened their Mouths

Won't say who is but one of the twitter warrior Actors in this Movie is a big New York Times fan. I'm tired of Liberals and I'm tired of the way they divide people by race, skin color, and so on. I cannot support these animals and pedos in Hollyweird. If they want to spew propaganda out then I'll hurt them in their pockets.

This Country has lost all it's Morals. People looking up to people like the Clintons who have abused blacks, women, and minorities is in embarrassment. If you don't know what I'm talking about maybe you should do your own research and find out about what the Clintons really think of you the American people.

I'm tired of the Media protecting criminals. It is against the law to have government documents on an unprotected private server that results in the deaths of others because of that leaked information. Hillary plays dumb and says "I didn't know I wasn't allowed to do that". Well, if you didn't know that then I guess you aren't qualified to be a leader if you don't know the Laws.

We've had an ex-President named Richard "Tricky Dick" Nixon forced to resign for spying on his opponent. While that is morally wrong there's Politicians who shouldn't even be allowed to Run for President for putting our National Security at risk and who knows what's up with that Clinton Foundation. It seems like a Money Laundering scheme where most of the profits they make don't even go back to the charities it was founded for. I heard only 15 percent of it goes to charities.

Most of the things Trump has said he will do, Clinton was for it in the past. But all of sudden she's against protecting our borders better because it's all of a sudden racist to do even tho she was for it not too long ago. Just like Hillary not too long ago was against Gay Marriage. This Evil Criminal only flip flops on issues for Votes. Most of her views aren't even Democrat or how Democrats view their own political Party. She's a War Hawk and will get us involved with more pointless Wars just like she did with Iraq when she supported it.

If you hate George Bush then why would you support Hillary? Just because she's running as a Democrat? More like the morons voting in our Country vote for people lately because they want to prove they aren't racist or sexist. Well, guess what, you've proven that you are both of those things if that's really how you vote. I don't mind a Woman running our Country. I just don't want this person running our Country.

Hillary has no Morals and her Husband has been accused of multiple rapes up to 12 Women I believe it is now. There's probably more out there that haven't come forward. These two rednecks don't deserve to be back in the White House. They didn't deserve to be in the White House in the 90's either. How wonderful is it for the Media and people on the left to quickly forget how Bill Clinton was impeached for lying to the American people as commander in chief. Yeah, I know Politicians lie but do we really want that rapist jack ass back in the white house?

Maybe some of those women accusing Bill Clinton of raping them, might be lying. However when it's that many there's obviously some truth to it somewhere in-between. And since he and Hillary are cowards they won't address it. They just ignore in the same way as they both ignore the American people. Hillary hasn't had a press conference for how many Days? It's disgusting whats going on in our Country and I'm fed up with this crap and so should most Americans. You don't have to be Religious to have Moral Values. I'll end it with that Note.


The entire ruling class thinks, and knows, we're merely cattle on a tax farm. If you think there's any difference between the Republicans and Democrats in the ruling class, you're clueless.




Find a hobby.


This probably IS his hobby.


you're out of your *beep* mind... to think anyone would read more than two sentences into your gibberish rant... get off imdb god damn.

"..I intend to live forever......So far, so good..."


I'm glad I'm able to enjoy entertainment without worrying about political BS.
