1 not a horror movie more of an action thriller

2 the kids are unsympathetic stealing money from a blind man who lost his child screw them they get what they deserve

3 blind man is messed up but is not evil punishing his childs murderer is not all that bad he doesnt kill her or rape her and would have let her go in 9 months


Lol at number 3... id go and see someone if you think thats an ok thing to do...


1) - that makes no sense, that's like saying Se7en isn't good because it is more of a thriller

2) Money was the only unsympathetic character - he was a total See You Next Tuesday
Rocky wanted to give her sister a better life away from her deadbeat mother
Alex was a lovestruck moron who would follow Rocky anywhere if it meant getting in her pants (just like a lot of kids his age)

3) You gotta be kidding me right??? The guy raped a woman to get another kid, when he inadvertently killed her, he planned to rape Rocky (yes it was rape) - yes he lost a daughter but his actions were sick
