MovieChat Forums > Dark Matter (2015) Discussion > Those poor Seer suckers - lacking crucia...

Those poor Seer suckers - lacking crucial info again

They didn't know Four had become Ishido Ryo. That cost them! Four was cruel. Ishido Ryo is even more so.

The Raza crew didn't either, but now they do.

This was such a great episode. 2x11 wasn't, but this was, so filled with great points and angles.

Looks like Four won't be returning to Raza, but we thought that about Six as well.

I still wish Two and Three, at least those two would regain their memories. They wouldn't have divided loyalties, like Four had.


To be fair seers only saw what the future held and any person who knows how to outsmart them would know you give them what they want but then flip the script.

The reza crew was in fact taken surprised by Four actions and now it seems next season they might have to fight him to get him back if thats where the show is headed.


They didn't know a lot.

They didn't know that Two would suspect their involvement, and that she'd give the order for the Android to attack the city with them in it.

They also didn't know what Five was up to.


I think perhaps they did count in Five and Two's suspicions, but they didn't know that Ryo had regained his memories and that cost them.


The Seers turned out to be pretty lame. I hope they are out of the picture for good.


The Seers turned out to be pretty lame. I hope they are out of the picture for good.

I'm glad they are gone. They are too much like 'deus ex machina' and could ruin any future episode. Four correctly knew that they would always be a threat. Also, I think that he learned from Nyx about how not to be so predictable (my explanation on how he fooled them).

I hope Four throws a banquet that features the head seer with an apple in his fat mouth.

The new Four seems like he might try to force La Raza to give him the Blink Drive now that he is all ruthless again.


That's my theory.. unlike 3 who immediately looks rough but ultimately has a sweet inner side (and I believe getting his memories would make him even more so), I think 4 is blackened all the way. Losing his memories just made him less so.

3 said that 4 avoided him after regaining his old memories. Who knows what revelation may come of this.

Also the conversation he had with 6. I think he wants to put himself in the position to forcefully take the blink drive from the Raza, reverse-engineer and replicate it. He knows that he may have to fight for that as the crew wouldn't be ready to hand it over.

There is also the fact that 5 is scared of the guy.. Though both 3 and 5 lost their new memories.. she is more terrified of the old 4 she met.

He seems like a character just after ruthless domination. There is something about his old memories that might explain this version of 4 we have now..

Having put together all of this, it still does not explain why he killed his younger brother.. Unless they intend to make him an irredeemable monster..


Having put together all of this, it still does not explain why he killed his younger brother

In the alternate universe, Three told him that his brother was loyal but would eventually try to bring back democracy so his alternate eliminated him. Perhaps this was his way of ripping off the bandaid rather than go through the process of having to do it later (he must have some feelings).

I wonder if he was avoiding Three because he recalled that Three has some unique way of reading him. So maybe there is no deep dark secret about Three. When alternate Three was talking to Four he seemed kind of cheery as if he didn't mind telling him how to take back the throne.

Good point about Six, that was kind of a strange interaction. Perhaps he felt more comfortable about Six having as he put it 'dual loyalties' and having to 'betray the crew for the greater good'. AH, now the prophecy makes sense! As you alluded, it is Four who is the second betrayer.


I liked 2x11... I thought it was a really solid Five/Three character(s?) piece.


The seers seemed to be wasted though. Couldve been a good mind battle between them and the crew, sort of like Kira and L from Death Note. I hated them though. Repulsive lot.


Well, if that whole galactic domination thing doesn't work out for them, they could always find work as economists.


I think they knew but too late, when the seer chief revealed the future to four it was just wishes thinking he could convince the old four to be reasonable, he said ''we will go empty handed but we will build a great alliance'' so he was aware he had no chances at all to get Nyx and he even proposed a fruitful alliance.
I can understand four killing them all but his half-brother, it was unexpected as he wouldn't step down from throne to try to take it back later, unless he knew he will be a bloody criminal emperor...
I hope he will come back to old four but even though killing his own bro was too much
