MovieChat Forums > Dark Matter (2015) Discussion > Why didn't four take the "blink drive" i...

Why didn't four take the "blink drive" in the first place? (SPOILERS)

He had a good opportunity to do the same he did in the finale already in episode 12 of season two. After he took power and executed everyone he could've just arrested the crue of "Rasa" and go get the blink drive the same way he did in finale. Did i miss something or why he didn't do that? He already knew six wouldn't approve he copying the machine. He already knew the code to turn off the android.


It's his friends so he wanted to ask them first. Help him achieve more power by giving the blink drive to his nation under the bannership of friendship. Since he doubted that would work he had a contingency plan. He could have been totally ruthless after last episode but it's hard to gauge which of his personalities and memories are more dominant and at what time. And its crew not crue.These


Yeah okay so four already knew that the CREW will be going to the space station?


Yes obviously. They were all aware of the war starting after the destruction of the station so 4 knew that 2 would do whatever it took to be there. Because of their former alliance he made the request first and then almost assuredly expecting her to refuse proceeded to the contingency plan.




Yeah don't count on that
