MovieChat Forums > Dark Matter (2015) Discussion > When I pictured the season ending

When I pictured the season ending

I saw the space station blowing up.

I still enjoyed the episode, though. It was well made in spite of being predictable.

But I loathe "everyone dies" cliffhangers. They are intellectually lazy.


No they're not. We saw a couple of crew members having exit strategies and a couple did not. We also saw one almost assured death ( Nyx ). There also could be another main cast death. I certainly did not think they were going to off One. The fun and suspense is wondering who survives. I fail to see how this predicament is lazy writing which has become the staple of every IMDB poster who doesn't like what he sees.


But I love this series, which should make my criticism a bit more valid, don't you think.

I stand by my words. The entire space station blows up.


I'm just saying that that phrase is overused,especially when somebody doesn't like a certIn scene or a direction a show is going. As for the station blowing up; we saw several small craft exiting it before it exploded. It stands to reason that most of the crew were in them. The suspense is who.


The threat to the crew's lives is there. But I didn't get the "everyone dies" vibe. The cliffhanger is more in line with the Batman and Superman serials from many years ago. The renewal was announced in advance of the cliffhanger finale. All one has to do is remember to tune in next summer.

Now, Blake's Seven. That was an "everyone dies" cliffhanger finale.


Est modus in rebus sunt certi denique fines quos ultra citraque nequit consistere rectum Goldilocks


That's because everyone did die in Blake's 7 and the show ended.
