I was there...
... from early season one with all its flaws, I am here when DM turns Epic.
If you don't sign in, then you cant come here later and say. " I always loved this show."
This is not Bergman, or Polanski, or Kubric.
- Its the show you watch with a hangover and a pizza, or late before bed.
There will always be sub/first year film school that come here with there "Grain of wisdom, like the first year Psych student that will analyze the word.
Then there are the Crime/Cop lovers that cant go beyond the same story, over and over again.
And finally, for the first time in ages there is chemistry.
- AND there is a black main that have flaws like very human being. Not the superman we see in all shows and in this setting its perfect. The Asian dude had also a change in character. Overall the show is getting better, looks better. So Yeah
They can fight ( With the awesome music) but always a smile there. Not a stone face dude or girl that looks like a moron.
I have no problem with girls fighting like men, she is"Modified" and we all know in the real world its not like that.
Last chase before we can check you logs :D