I was there...

... from early season one with all its flaws, I am here when DM turns Epic.

If you don't sign in, then you cant come here later and say. " I always loved this show."
This is not Bergman, or Polanski, or Kubric.

- Its the show you watch with a hangover and a pizza, or late before bed.

There will always be sub/first year film school that come here with there "Grain of wisdom, like the first year Psych student that will analyze the word.

Then there are the Crime/Cop lovers that cant go beyond the same story, over and over again.

And finally, for the first time in ages there is chemistry.
- AND there is a black main that have flaws like very human being. Not the superman we see in all shows and in this setting its perfect. The Asian dude had also a change in character. Overall the show is getting better, looks better. So Yeah

They can fight ( With the awesome music) but always a smile there. Not a stone face dude or girl that looks like a moron.

I have no problem with girls fighting like men, she is"Modified" and we all know in the real world its not like that.

Last chase before we can check you logs :D


It is a quite good show. Syfy does a good job with it's shows these days, not so much their original movies.


I think SyFy's biggest obstacle is people refusing to let go of older properties. They want another Battlestar Galactica and still get mad over Farscape's cancellation.


Syfy does a good job with it's shows these days...

This show is made in Canada for the Canadian "Space" channel.

SyFy has nothing to do with it other than paying to rebroadcast it in the US.


true enough
perhaps they are good at selecting shows?


I've enjoyed every single episode since the first season. The only thing I'm bummed about is Ones' death. I'm still hoping that they will travel back in time and save him. I mean...if blink drive works the way I think does (same principle behind Einstein Rosen Bridge), and if alternate universes are possible, then time travel could also be possible, if the blink drive is calibrated accordingly.


This is the second nonsensical, rabidly fanboyish thread you've made on this board.

PS Some people like Adam Sandler movies too, it doesn't make them good.



Well... According to your history you have never said anything positive in any posts or threads. Never done any ratings.

Its very easy to hate, but you don't have the nerves to say anything positive or rate a movie. You are just afraid that you have something that can be used against you. So, your comment have - value, its just some random words of a coward.

So.. Yeah

I say it again. DM is a good show, and I love it. 10/10



Wow. Killjoys is so not there, where Dark Matter is.

I started watching them together, and Killjoys made me angry pretty soon. Especially in direct comparison...
Killjoys is cheesy schlock. Dar Matter is just...cooler in every aspect. Story, characters, action.

With Dar Matter i always get the feeling this would be a real big show if they had a little bit more money, but they still make the best possible show out of the budget they have.
If you gave Killjoys more money it would maybe look a little bit better but would still be a cheesy show.
They would only turn the music even more up in those boring fights ;)

