Transport Pods

What are the odds the crew decided to make clones of themselves. If they wanted to save the station and avoid death or even capture by the galatic authority sending in the clones is the way lol


Interesting idea.


we still know they have the pods on board the Reza and knowing they are wanted by the galatic authority and if they went in the real them they would risk everything. So i am sure they went with the clone plan which means if i am right then they wont have no memories of the station explosion.


Just three pods, with Three, Five and Six.


Est modus in rebus sunt certi denique fines quos ultra citraque nequit consistere rectum Goldilocks


You think 2 went on her own seeing as she can survive anything with her new upgrade lol


Wow this is genious.. i would never remembered that! Nice thinking... i think the ryos general commander witch will be in big trouble when he founda out she poisoned nyx..


Ya but who the hell carries a poison laced blade and his 2nd in command didnt even wear gloves i believe lol


I'm rewatching the episode, and I don't think they'll play the clone card. There was no mention of using the transporters at all. So everything will have been done off screen, which would be pretty lame. And if he was a clone, Six probably wouldn't worry about escaping. He didn't learn anything important, so getting back didn't matter at all.

Plus they'd waste the possibilities for drama & action. As it is, it looks like Five wil be with that corporate woman, so she'll have to somehow be rejoined with the Raza. And Three may need to be rescued or something. Six? I don't know, maybe he barely made it out alive, and will be touch and go for a dramatic while. Two is the star of the show, so we know she'll be OK.

At any rate, I'll definitely be tuning in next season. This cliffhanger reminds me of the best ones from Star Trek: The Next Generation. Those were exquisitely brutal like this one is.


Transport pods made this season finale episode a whole bunch of dumb. Why would any of these super important people who don't trust each other meet in person when they could all just use clones?

Any space opera show is going to require some suspension of disbelief but we deserve not to be treated like idiots. They have to at least maintain internal consistency.
