MovieChat Forums > Dark Matter (2015) Discussion > You forget about the scary lizard people...

You forget about the scary lizard people who are coming to kill everyone

Heh... I have just watched the first episode of season one, so I WON'T be reading any of the other posts on the board here which I am quite sure are full of Spoilers... 

But, I just wanted to say that I was rather surprised that I like it. Especially when it comes to Sci Fi and REALLY ESPECIALLY when it comes to any teleseries, usually the acting and / or writing does it in for me right away. But, amazingly for a first episode I thought all the characters were pretty good and the story was truly involving, especially with the way they left it at the end...

I really don't care for the 'android' very much. Sorry to be such a 'guy' and I don't mean to be unkind, but let's just say she sure ain't no 7 of 9... and the way she talks is pretty stupid I think. Why have her sound like a precocious child, for God's sake! Just have her talk how we pretty much bloody expect an emotionless ANDROID would. GEEZ... But, maybe she will grow into the role. Fortunately (at least for me) we didn't see or hear her too much in the first episode. But, sorry, petulant or smug sounding androids just don't 'do it' for me and are categorically UN-believable.

BUT... with my whiny little complaint out of the way, I must say that I am hesitantly hopeful, just glancing at a couple of the reviews here, that the show will actually be a quality, intriguing Science Fiction series for a change...

I now have over 7000 films; many of them very rare and OOP. I LOVE to trade. PLEASE ASK! 


I really don't care for the 'android' very much. Sorry to be such a 'guy' and I don't mean to be unkind, but let's just say she sure ain't no 7 of 9...

1/. 7/9 is not an android. She is a humanoid with cybernetic implants.
2/. You do NOT put a highly sexy android, bound by programming to obey a crew member's every command, on any ship where you need the crew to get a job done.
3/. Keep watching - Later episodes will change your mind..... 

and the way she talks is pretty stupid I think. Why have her sound like a precocious child, for God's sake! Just have her talk how we pretty much bloody expect an emotionless ANDROID would. GEEZ...

I think you're reading too much into it.
Also, emotionless androids negate the point of giving them humanoid appearances in the first place. They're human-shape so people can relate to them.
It also allows for some brilliant line delivery later on, which you couldn't get if she were any other way. Keep watching - You'll be delightfully surprised!!


Well, I appreciate your encouragement to continue watching. It's not like that was a TOTAL deal breaker or anything, just an observation.

I feel that your #1 is irrelevant because the POINT of my using her was not that she was an actual android, but her MANNER was. I could accept her actions and way of talking immediately and believably as android-like.

BUT... with that said, I'm glad that her particular manner will be developed and used in a more entertaining way later on. After all, you truly cannot be too hard on any cast their first time out. Even TNG was pretty stiff to start with and even Data had to kind of dial in on, what turned out to be, his eminently delightful personality...

BTW, I watched the 2nd episode, and I MUST say that I truly am impressed with the quality of the writing. In my lowly and wretched opinion, I am SO very tired of hearing inane and nonsense dialog coming from characters that the writers apparently think is 'cool' or 'hip', and which is usually trite and over-the-top. And, not that I am anybody, but I honestly was impressed with the writing AND the acting too, which normally can be quite painful. Especially with characters who are somewhat unusual or eccentric. For example take the Asian guy... That role could be SO overdone either in writing or in acting, but I really found his more expanded role in the 2nd episode to be quite good! I loved his dialog with the enemy guy.. To me, THAT kind of dialog is extremely hard to do well, but I felt that he pulled it off just right...

Thanks again kindly for the encouraging thoughts...

Cheers! 

I now have over 7000 films; many of them very rare and OOP. I LOVE to trade. PLEASE ASK! 


I feel that your #1 is irrelevant because the POINT of my using her was not that she was an actual android, but her MANNER was. I could accept her actions and way of talking immediately and believably as android-like.

I meant that 7/9 is not an android to begin with, so you can't really compare her to Android from DM.
Possibly worth noting that in TNG, Lore does actually explain that people were unconfortable around an android that behaved too closely to humans, which is why Data was later created with certain 'flaws'. Pretty true concept there, IMO.

But yeah, definitely stick with it and I think you'll be quite happy with things as they develop!


Good point, and good to know, thanks! 

I now have over 7000 films; many of them very rare and OOP. I LOVE to trade. PLEASE ASK! 
