MovieChat Forums > Dark Matter (2015) Discussion > Slightly OT: Dark Matter and Andromeda

Slightly OT: Dark Matter and Andromeda

Anybody here fans of the show Andromeda? Space channel started re-airing Andromeda, and since I never watched it the first time, I decided to jump into it.

It's really fun, and a little similar to DM. Both shows feature a ship android, and in the first episode a group of mercenaries attempt to take control of the Andromeda. The crew, to me anyways, reminded me of Three. I couldn’t help but think that Three could of handled them by himself.

Nothing against the show or the ship crew, but I have to give the slight edge to DM, I like the more serious, darker tone of the show.

Just wondering if any DM fans share an interest in Andromeda?

Formerly whatisthematrix01 and Nexusfactor


When I was younger I my family lacked cable so I had limited access to sci-fi shows Andromeda being one of them. So while I do (or at least did) like it I'm probably biased.

Also when you're done read this It's how the show's creator, who left midway thru season 2, wanted it to end.


Thanks for link, I'll be sure to check it when I finish with Andromeda. Do you know why the creator left the show midway into season 2? Did the quality of the show change as well because of the departure?

Formerly whatisthematrix01 and Nexusfactor
