MovieChat Forums > Dark Matter (2015) Discussion > Is there scenes on this show where girls...

Is there scenes on this show where girls easily beat up or punch out....

... other GIRLS for a change?

I mean I am sure there are tons of scenes where girls easily take down or beat up or even punch out guys. That is very common on scyfy fantasy shows etc....
In most such shows while tiny girls can easily take down males or even knock them out with one punch they find it super hard to do the same to other female characters. Normally the female vs female fights are more evenly contested as they are almost all great fighters. Is it the same on this show?

Or do you have at least a scene or two where a girl loses a fight easily to a girl or is knocked out or punched out by another girl? If so do let me know which girl beats up or punches out which girl and in what episode?
(On the flip side how many times do girls easily beat up or just punch out guys? Hoping while this number is large there are some scenes where girls do the same to girls).
In case you are wondering why I ask I like to see characters of both genders get their ass kicked. But as a girl myself I see too little girls actually kicking girls butt.

I am sure there is none. Just thought I should ask because who knows maybe they got tired of doing the same thing that is done in most scyfy shows and actually have a girl kick a girls butt or punch her out. Like we have girls do so many times to guys.


... other GIRLS for a change?

You seem to have posted this on the Killjoys board and several others...
You clearly have some sort of fetish (which is not meant in any derogatory fashion) - But you DO know there are entire websites (FREE of charge, by the way) that cater to exactly this kind of thing, for people exactly like you?

In most such shows while tiny girls can easily take down males or even knock them out with one punch they find it super hard to do the same to other female characters.

That's because it looks good on camera.

Normally the female vs female fights are more evenly contested as they are almost all great fighters. Is it the same on this show?

On this show, no, not so much.
Typically those in such scenarios are unusually talented in the first place and similar guy-scenes are so overdone already. But in this show, as with Killjoys, there are reasons behind it.

Or do you have at least a scene or two where a girl loses a fight easily to a girl or is knocked out or punched out by another girl?

You have it all ways.

If so do let me know which girl beats up or punches out which girl and in what episode?

Watch the show and find out, which will also give you the reasons why they do.

(On the flip side how many times do girls easily beat up or just punch out guys? Hoping while this number is large there are some scenes where girls do the same to girls).

It's more about which girls do it and why they can/do.

In case you are wondering why I ask I like to see characters of both genders get their ass kicked.

Again, there are specialist websites that do it far better...
I say this, because you seem more interested in the butt-kicking than the actual story, so I believe your interests would be better served online.

But as a girl myself I see too little girls actually kicking girls butt.

In popular TV it's not a popular thing to see. You're in the minority, I'm afraid, at least in the current fashion trends.


First thanks for the reply.

You seem to have posted this on the Killjoys board and several others...
You clearly have some sort of fetish (which is not meant in any derogatory fashion) - But you DO know there are entire websites (FREE of charge, by the way) that cater to exactly this kind of thing, for people exactly like you?

Not a fetish I am looking for something specific. Hence looking at possible TV shows that might have them.

So fetish websites do not meet my requirement actually.

Or do you have at least a scene or two where a girl loses a fight easily to a girl or is knocked out or punched out by another girl?

You have it all ways.

If so do let me know which girl beats up or punches out which girl and in what episode?

Watch the show and find out, which will also give you the reasons why they do.

When you say "Have it always" as a person who watches many shows I have to say it is extremely rare. I think you have to give me an example because it is actually so rare in my opinion and my experience.
I am asking the question from people who watch the show because I am thinking they might help me out and save me some time.

Again, there are specialist websites that do it far better...
I say this, because you seem more interested in the butt-kicking than the actual story, so I believe your interests would be better served online.

But as a girl myself I see too little girls actually kicking girls butt.

In popular TV it's not a popular thing to see. You're in the minority, I'm afraid, at least in the current fashion trends.

I actually watch many shows but when the writing is of poor quality I find it hard to watch it completely.
That's why I do not ask this in the BSG board or The Expanse Board or Babylon 5 board or GoT or Stranger Things or Westworld boards or other boards where the show is of high quality and I watch the entire show.
I do not mean to disrespect the show. I only said this because i want to justify why I am not watching the show and asking a fan for the specific scenes.

Yes I totally know it is rare. Hence the question. If it is frequent I will not need to ask this around.

So if you want to help me out with this very specific request please respond. I want mind it if you do not.

Thanks eitherway for your response.


First thanks for the reply.

You're welcome.
It's a little unusual to ask about such a thing and I was wondering if you were serious or not... but I gave you the benefit of the doubt and here we are. 

Not a fetish I am looking for something specific. Hence looking at possible TV shows that might have them.

Can you be more... err... 'specific' about the specific something you're looking for?

When you say "Have it always" as a person who watches many shows I have to say it is extremely rare.

I specifically said "all ways", not always, as in every which way - You have male knocking out female, female knocking out male, male knocking out male, female knocking out female... and even those of debatable gender, be it android, robot, or alien.

I am asking the question from people who watch the show because I am thinking they might help me out and save me some time.

I know... but both this and Killjoys are good shows anyway, so you might as well watch them and have fun!!

That's why I do not ask this in the BSG board or The Expanse Board or Babylon 5 board or GoT or Stranger Things or Westworld boards or other boards where the show is of high quality and I watch the entire show.

I wouldn't say DM or KJ's are bad compared to those... different, perhaps, but not worse, by any means.
In fact, I actually got bored of BSG about halfway through, because it became trite and predictable.
Westworld is just awful, although I was around when the original film came out!

So if you want to help me out with this very specific request please respond. I want mind it if you do not.

Yeah, I'd like to help.
I will need to know more about exactly what you're looking for, though...


Yeah, I'd like to help.
I will need to know more about exactly what you're looking for, though...

Any scene where a female vs female physical (non weapon) confrontation ends with a clear winner.
For example: (female vs female)
One punch KO
punch out with a knock down or maybe just a punch that has the other girl stunned even with no chance of a punch back
one girl attempts to punch and is blocked and punched back
armed girl is disarmed and beaten or knock out/down
one girl over powers the other and pins her against wall or pins her down
fight where it is clearly visible that one girl is easily winning. Maybe ends with a pin / knock down / knock out. The fight can be brief as well. But with a clear winner or one sided

especially with the loser is annoying / arrogant/ evil / powerful even better as it symbolizes a bit of a comeuppance. But that is not a necessary requirement.

Basically any f vs f fight or physical confrontation with a clear winner in away.
Hope this makes it clear. The same for Killjoy ; Dark Matter or any other film or TV shows you have scene with such a scene. I only asked in these boards because they have female characters who fight so I thought it might be likely to have such scenes.


Well, Two and Nyx fought when Nyx was shaking down Three.

Toward the end, Misaki fought and killed Nyx.


Thanks. However....

Aren't they more even fights?

I am looking for one sided beating or fight with clear winner in a decisive manner or one punch drop/KO type scenes.


No ... the female characters are too good, so they always have tough fights with other female characters.


The only one that I can think of was when Five broke the ships link to Two's mind by taking her to a memory when she was at her weakest. Five dropped her quickly, but it was only based in a memory.
