MovieChat Forums > Dark Matter (2015) Discussion > wait what? did everybody die?

wait what? did everybody die?


You said it yourself. Bitch, we're the Guardians of the Galaxy!


I guess that will depend on the actors contract renegotiation for next season. I doubt even the writers know for sure at this moment.


What is this "Everyone died" theory? Five certainly didn't die, because she was taken to safety. Three won't die, unless he's hurt too badly to live, because he was taken to safety. Android is still alive. Two won't die even if she's blown out to space. Six might be in doubt, but that's it.


how you know, you see five enter an escape pod and jettisoned clear of the explosion? Three was assisted by the ghost? Two's nanobots can heal her obliterated body? you don't know shet, stfu

You said it yourself. Bitch, we're the Guardians of the Galaxy!


Excellent rebuttal. Very well thought out, addressed all the possible scenarios, that last sentence is especially articulate. 


5 said to the Android, 'Save them all' and the Android entered hyper-speed mode.


Yeah, OP, everyone died. Next season is all about the union workers that clean up the space station wreckage.




As long as it's a Red Dwarf sort of crew I'm all for it.


The writers are cheesy and will write themselves out of any situation.

They can simply decide that the characters were actually clones too, and that they used transfer transit pods even if we didn't see them use the pods, and so it was only their clones who died.


That is what I am expecting, although I am hopeful that they will take a slightly more thoughtful angle.


No. Everybody did not die. Do you watch many TV shows? If they killed off all the characters the show wouldn't have been renewed for a third season. πŸ˜‚


Fun Fact of the Day: Debbie loves cute animals and Beccy and her have πŸΆξŒξπŸ‡πŸ‡πŸ–πŸ΄πŸ 
