The Android

How come no one talks about The Android character? Shes definitely my favourite in the show and just about everything she does is good. Had a lot of laughs from her trying to learn and becoming more human. Just rewatched the episode with the aussie service droid (which is pretty mediocre) but the android makes the whole episode so funny with her jealousy! Really cant say anything but keep it coming Zoie Palmer!!


She is my second favorite character. She is hilarious.

Fly Eagles Fly


It's so...snug. LOL


To male android: Can I kis...OK

I love her quick, no hesitation OKs.


She is my second favorite charactor next on down 2(O'neil) ,she's funny.


I like her and I liked the actress when she was in Lost Girl too. Android is my fourth favourite character in Dark Matter behind Two, Six and Five.😃


It don't matter if it's raining
Nothing can phase me
I make my own sunshine
And if you think you can break me
Baby, you're crazy
I make my own sunshine


Couldn't stand her on Lost Girl, she almost made me give up on the show every episode after Dyson lost his Love.

Can't stand her on this show. I could deal with her in season 1 but once she got less androidy and started acted human she started getting on my nerves.

She's a pretty lady but I can't stand her.


I love her character.

There is a little something in her voice which I love.


Her speech reminds me of GLaDOS, from the Portal games.
