MovieChat Forums > Dark Matter (2015) Discussion > Transfer Transit question (spoilers)

Transfer Transit question (spoilers)

The first time they used Transfer Transit, One had his original face and Three didn't have his scar. But when they went to Alicia Reynaud's to steal the blink drive prototype, Five had her green hair and Three had his face scar. So was it a different type of transfer transit? I thought that it just used the DNA and there wouldn't be scars or new modifications?


There must have been upgrades, because the clones started showing up with clothes on.


If you paid attention to the episode, they spent a good few minutes explaining how they acquired clothes with special capabilities of going through transfer transit.


Yes, that's true, but the GA agents transferred with underwear on before then. No explanation for that.


Lack of continuity of that one.

I was looking forward to seeing five in her brunette hair for a change.


Wasn't there a scene that showed a TT 2.0 either just before or when they bought their equipment?
